Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Saturday Night Live: There was Nothing Wrong with What Donald Trump Said on the "Pussygate" Tape

By Nicholas Stix

Recall that on the Access Hollywood “Pussygate” tape that was released on October 5, 2016, Donald Trump was heard saying, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Lorne Michaels is the leftwing producer of Saturday Night Live. He founded the show, back in 1975.

During the second season, I believe, Burt Reynolds was once the guest host. He performed in a sketch as himself, in which he shows up at the house of a family of fans. He starts kissing and pawing the pretty, teenaged daughter, in fornt of her parents, while bragging that when you’re a star you can get away with anything.

This appearance does not show up in Reynolds’ credits at IMDB.com, but that’s because that site has its share of gaps. I saw the episode twice.

At school I had no TV, and so I only watched it when I was visiting my mom. Funny thing was, I’d only watch the show a few times a year, and half of those times were always re-runs of the few other times I’d seen it.

So, why was it o.k. for Saturday Night Live to promote the same attitude that Donald Trump did? You can’t say, “Oh, that was 40 years ago,” because Trump’s seditionist enemies are trying to drive him from office over claims they are making about things he allegedly did 40 years ago.

It’s because he’s a Republican, if only nominally, and the racist Left refuses to permit a Republican to win the White House.


  1. Which party is Condi Rice referring to with the following statement?

    DEMOCRACY Condoleezza Rice To Alabama Voters: ‘Reject Bigotry, Sexism, And Intolerance’
    ByGuardians of Democracy StaffPublished on December 11, 2017

    Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday encouraged Alabamians to vote and “reject bigotry, sexism, and intolerance” in Tuesday’s special Senate election.

    “I encourage you to take a stand for our core principles and for what is right. These critical times require us to come together to reject bigotry, sexism, and intolerance,” Rice said in a statement published by AL.com.
    GRA:One could interpret that as being anti-DPUSA--the most racist,sexist,intolerant party that's been pieced together in our recent history.They are racist against whites,sexist vs men and intolerant to those opposed to their agenda.
    But of course she was not endorsing Roy Brown...was she?That would be agreeing with Trump.However,the speech IS very cryptic and open to interpretation,but since the Bush's hate Trump,that would be the tiebreaker,in figuring what Condi meant.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Reynolds hosted in the fifth season (4/12/80).

  3. Thanks for the correction, top_cat_james.

    Well, I’ll be damned!

