Monday, December 18, 2017

Is Al Franken a Rapist? Sexual Assault, This Month’s (Week’s) Definition


Grope-hoaxer Tina Dupuy

By Nicholas Stix

Someone named Tina Dupuy has charged Sen. Al Franken with “groping” her.

So, did Franken grab her butt? No. Her boobs? No. Her crotch? No.

He squeezed her waist. Twice.

I Believe Franken’s Accusers Because He Groped Me, Too
• By Tina Dupuy
• Dec 6, 2017
The Atlantic

The Democratic Party needs to stand with women who have been harassed—and not defend the politicians who abused them.

In mid-November, a Los Angeles radio host named Leeann Tweeden stepped forward to claim that Senator Al Franken had shoved his tongue down her throat under the pretext of a rehearsal for a sketch he’d written. The coup de grace was a photograph of a sleeping Tweeden and the now-senator pretending to grab her boobs for the camera….

I assumed Franken would step down later that day. Tweeden’s story rang true to me. I’d told myself I was the only one. I’d been groped by Franken in 2009.

It happened at a Media Matters party during the first Obama inauguration. It was a great time to be a Democrat. Not only had we just elected the first African American president of the United States, but Franken’s race had triggered a recount, leaving lefties giddy that we would soon have a supermajority in the Senate.

This was my first inauguration. I’d never been in the proverbial room where it happens. My experience with government at that point was being a ward of the court in foster care. Noting that I had an interest in politics and in grandstanding—at 14, I ran a scorched-earth campaign to make the entire group home I lived in recycle—my foster dad set up an internship for me at the district office of Representative George Miller. The summer before my senior year of high school, as an intern, I answered calls, thumbed through the congressional record and misalphabetized his constituent files. It was a great experience and, at the time, the closest I’d been to power.

D.C. was decked out and packed in for the inauguration of a young and popular new president. The town was buzzing with optimism, and one of the many events on our list was a swanky Media Matters party with Democratic notables everywhere. Then I saw Al Franken. I only bug celebrities for pictures when it’ll make my foster mom happy. She loves Franken, so I asked to get a picture with him. We posed for the shot. He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice….

[N.S.: “I froze.” That’s rape victim talk. But squeezing the side of a woman’s waist doesn’t even count as “groping,” let alone “rape.” Dupuy doesn’t say Franken raped her, but she confuses matters, by saying “I froze.” And that’s what feminists do. Cause confusion and chaos, while rolling out the guillotine.]

larrybud • 12 days ago
Putting your arm around someone's waist during a picture is now considered "groping"??

William Gunn to larrybud • 11 days ago
The left created a monster, and that monster's gotta eat.

Morky to William Gunn • 11 days ago
Well said. I'm well left of center, but this is the over-the-top PC shit that got Obama voters to swing Trump.

1 comment:

  1. (POLITICO)At least four senators are urging Al Franken to reconsider resigning, including two who issued statements calling for the resignation two weeks ago and said they now feel remorse over what they feel was a rush to judgment.

    Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who urged Franken not to step down to begin with — at least not before he went through an Ethics Committee investigation — said the Minnesota senator was railroaded by fellow Democrats.

    Story Continued Below

    “What they did to Al was atrocious, the Democrats,” said West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin in an interview for POLITICO’s Off Message podcast to post on Tuesday. Subscribe here.

    Franken's unusual timeline — in his departure announcement he said he’d go “in the coming weeks,” without setting a date — has fed the fleeting hopes that there’s still time to reverse course. However, Tina Smith, Minnesota's Democratic lieutenant governor, was named last week as his appointed successor.

    People familiar with Franken's plans said he has not changed his mind and intends to formally resign in early January. He praised the selection of Smith and has begun working with her on the transition.
