Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Veteran Lawman on Fox News: Stephen Paddock was No Lone Wolf Terrorist, and May Well Have been a Jihadist

By Nicholas Stix

Last night on Fox News, either with Tucker Carlson at 8 p.m., or with Trace Gallagher, who was reporting live from Las Vegas at 11 p.m. (8 Vegas time), and running the whole show in that slot, retired lawman Joe Peters clearly did not believe that Paddock acted alone. Peters wasn’t even sure that Paddock was a lone shooter. He insinuated that the attack was a piece of organized, jihadist terrorism.


  1. Lots of things need to be explained before we can know that it was only a lone gunman: Why are there videos showing what look like muzzle flashes from lower floors (someone wrote that on the lower floors the windows can be opened so there would have been no need to break them)? Why were there TWO windows broken on the 32ns floor where all the shots are claimed to have come from? Were both broken windows in the same room or suite or in a different room? One window would have sufficed for one gunman. There are several videos in which a burst of gunfire sounds different from the previous one. In one video the person actually says that one sounds like it is farther away. Why did Paddock have so MANY guns--one and perhaps a spare in case of malfunction--should have been sufficient for one gunman? Our government always wants to assure the public that a shooting wasn't terrorism so we cannot trust them to tell us the truth.

  2. Then you have to count the Dem rioters,who always line up against right wing protesters(where ever they get a permit)as part of the war on perceived conservatives(in this case,country music fans).
    Paddock would be lumped in the group of anarchists trying to destroy the USA we all remember,that used to(and may barely still)exist.Paddock,Islamic terrorists,BLM,globalists,liberals,Clinton,Soros are all allies
    in the goal that we're all aware of.
    Politically,violently,whatever it takes,turn the US into a full fledged disaster of gays,minorities,freaks and psychos running the country--white conservatives not invited.
    He may be a Jihadist in that manner,but a 64 year old converting to Muslim?Would be a shocker.
    --GR Anonymous
