Sunday, October 01, 2017

“The Cat in the Racist Hat” and Building a Society that’s “too Stupid to Survive”

By Paul Nachman
September 30, 2017, 10:35 p.m.

Two days ago, in an article about yet another clutch of hyperventilating ninnies who’ve attracted national attention,’s Allan Wall wrote plaintively:
[I]s it so bad “black meals” were served? Isn’t it an attempt to honor their culture? I guess you just can’t win. [Memo From Middle America: CottonGate—Southern Christian University President, Certified Diversitarian, Grovels Over Centerpiece, “Black Meals,” Etc., September 28, 2017]
Of course we can’t win! We’re apparently fated to ride this metastasizing idiocy all the way to civilizational collapse. As Mark Steyn just said, “[W]e are making ourselves a society too stupid to survive.” [The Cat in the Racist Hat, Steyn Online, September 29, 2017.]

The “logic” behind it all is illustrated in the following Microaggressions Flowchart (hat tip to Tim Murray):


  1. Bingo.That chart is IT in a nutshell.
    You can add more about police behavior (stopping black driven vehicles,arrests,self defense against blacks),school test scores,accepting Wik cards,giving/not giving money to blacks, asking for money on the street,complaining about horrible black neighbors to the landlord/police.
    Just a few off the top of my head.
    ---GR Anonymous

  2. Negro meal. Fried chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas. I would say a big old forty-ouncer but I will not.

  3. How do any of them know what a cotton ball or a cotton stalk is? They haven't picked cotton by hand for a long time now.

  4. Probably the absence of watermelon is what really upset them.

  5. This Lowes commercial,that
    I unfortunately got to see during the Oakland/Denver game,is at least as stupid as any of the racial propaganda
    seen elsewhere.
    Black guy and his wife in a beautiful house (drug dealer?),when he notices his carpet is falling apart.
    Announcer:This is when you realize your carpet is older than you are."
    Black guy goes to Lowes,gets carpet--installs it.If this isn't pure fictional comedy,then the final scene--showing the black couple welcoming a white couple into their newly carpeted room for coffee--is.
    Who are the demographic groups that Lowes is making this commercial for?
    Rich black homeowners?(.50% of the population?)who have rich white friends (.10% of the population),who drink coffee together (.00000001%).
    Lowes is corporately,collectively INSANE!
    ---GR Anonymous

  6. Coincidence or not...Derek Carr,the white Oakland QB,who it was rumored by local media to be the target of revenge,by his black offensive lineman(for not supporting the kneeldown protest)left the field after a sack and injury in the 3rd quarter.Appeared to be a shoulder injury.
    --GR Anonymous

  7. " it was rumored by local media to be the target of revenge,by his black offensive lineman(for not supporting the kneel down protest)left the field after a sack and injury in the 3rd quarter.Appeared to be a shoulder injury."

    The offensive line allowing the defense to storm and smother the QB has happened before. That would not be the first time.

  8. "Lowes is corporately,collectively INSANE!"

    Lowe's feels compelled to do so. I am only surprised the "couples" were not shown to be both interracial. That is a trend on TV ads.

  9. "How do any of them know what a cotton ball or a cotton stalk is? They haven't picked cotton by hand for a long time now."

    The Black Exploitation movie from a long time ago "Cotton Comes to Harlem". The drug dealers smuggle heroin into NYC inside of a bale of cotton. They would actually take bales of cotton and place inside the theater so the young colored kids could see what a bale of cotton looked like.

  10. jerry pdx

    We need a converse flowchart for a black:

    If a black:

    Moves out - "Searching for diversity"

    Moves in - "Creating diversity"

    Sees Color - He's black - he can't be racist"

    Doesn't see Color - "Uncle Tom"

    Doesn't partake in culture - "Carving out Safe Space"

    Partakes in (white) culture - "Uncle Tom"

    We can add some more categories:

    Rapes a white woman - "He dindu nuffin, all black men are falsely accused or it's reparations"

    Murders a white - "Whitey looked at him wrong or reparations"

    Steals from whitey - "Reparations"
