Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Terrorism “Expert” Mia Bloom: I Don’t Know Anything about Stephen Paddock, so Let Me Explain His Motives

By Nicholas Stix

Mia Bloom just appeared on Fox News with Martha McCallum. Bloom was explaining why Stephen Paddock could not have been an Islamic convert acting on behalf of ISIS, and mocking media outlets like Breitbart as “conspiracy theorists.”

Bloom is an uninformed hack. She knows no more than you or I do about Paddock’s motivations, for the simple reason that law enforcement has released no information regarding what was on Paddock’s electronic gadgets, or paper records (diaries, appointment books, etc.).

She was being as speculative as the wildest conspiracy theorist. But she was getting paid to talk, so she talked, and tried to sound knowledgeable. And made a damned fool of herself.

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