Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Multiple Shooters in Las Vegas?



A Texas Reader
Tue, Oct 3, 2017 10:45 p.m.

BREAKING: Sheriff Says Las Vegas Shooter Could Have Been “Radicalized”
Paul Joseph Watson | Authorities admit potential motive for first time.

ATR: Watch the embedded video a reader posted.

Audio taken from Las Vegas PD scanners.

BTW, Mandalay Bay would not allow its security guards to be armed according to some reports.

Tort suits galore in the offing.

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock, at about 50 years of age

An accomplice?


  1. The Philippino GF is flying in--to see the FBI today--to solve the crime.It looks like she wanted no part of it and left two days before the massacre.We should know a lot more very soon.

  2. In many of the crimes featured at WEJB/NSU the authorities don't look at the obvious motive. The Las Vegas killer had a motive and/or reason for what he did. And for choosing this event.
