Monday, October 02, 2017

CBS Fires High-Powered Lawyer-Exec Hayley Geftman-Gold, for Celebrating Slaughter of Country Music Fans in Las Vegas; a Meditation



By Nicholas Stix

Hayley Geftman-Gold has since deleted her notorious twit, and posted one apologizing for it, but that’s just damage control, so that she has a chance at a new job. She said what she believed the first time.

Two funny peculiar things about that tweet.

One, I am sure that Geftman-Gold would not have gotten into any trouble, had she merely expressed her sentiment in private conversations. She likely extrapolated from the affirmation colleagues and subordinates showed her for such private sentiments (probably on multiple occasions), to figuring that it would be safe to twit the same sentiments to the Twitter public.

Two, I can understand her sentiment. People of all political persuasions routinely wish death on their enemies, even during calmer times. But these are revolutionary times. While—with a nod to Hobbes—keeping the domestic peace is always a struggle, a “diverse” country is in a permanent state of revolution.

[At The Wrap.]


  1. It's obvious that Gold had the illusionary idea that she would NOT be fired from CBS for hate speech.Why?Glad you asked.
    She most likely engaged fellow comrades about the subject quite often.They must have talked and agreed with her on what pieces of garbage Republicans were and are.Lunch conversations,office dialogue that emboldened her to go online and wave her hatred,knowing (in her mind)the rest of the like-minded brass would take no action--since they all were of the same mindset.
    What she failed to understand is,this repulsive philosophy of hating your own race,was supposed to be a secret among friends and associates.Believe me,she's not the only cockroach at CBS(or NBC etc)
    --GR Anonymous

  2. She should be followed the rest of her life where ever she goes and never work as an attorney again.

    Geftman-Gold! Nicholas knows. Red diaper baby!
