Friday, September 15, 2017

Now that Donald Trump Has Betrayed the Patriotic Voters Who Elected Him, is There Any More Reason to Hold Off from Founding a Patriotic Third Party, to Replace the GOP?


Courtesy of Mickey Kaus

By Nicholas Stix

The ball is in your court, readers.


  1. Not only for President,but Representative,Governor and Senate as well.I'm all for it,but the power structure in this country is impenetrable.How about the Confederate Party?
    Meanwhile tonight,Lesta tried to rally the blacks to riot in St.Louis,Peter Alexander reported on the ESPN/Trump controversy--by taking the side of the black racist woman anchor.
    "Trump wants an apology--this coming from a man who never apologizes."
    An actual quote.Pure objective reporting again from Negro Nightly News.

    --GR Anonymous

  2. Initially I was very hopeful. That hope is gone now. What remains is: At least, he's not Hillary. Definitely in favor of patriotic third party.
