Friday, July 21, 2017

The 20 Diseases "Refugees" Bring into the West Exclusive: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., Reports Latest Increases Authorities Cover Up

By A Texas Reader

The 20 Diseases "Refugees" Bring into the West

Note: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS. Since 2005, Americans have been warned about microscopic border crossers carried in with refugees and illegal immigrants, bringing diseases previously eradicated or rarely seen here. When not simply ignored by media and health officials, physicians and others sounding […]

Nurse Nina Pham settles Ebola lawsuit against Texas Health ...

Nurse Nina Pham settles Ebola lawsuit against Texas Health Resources

Ebola leaves survivors with debilitating reminders like ...

Ebola no longer dominates the headlines but for an estimated 17,000 survivors of the largest Ebola outbreak in history, the struggle is not over....

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree with Dr. mElizaberh VLIET. Tnese people are VILLAGERS, UNEDUCATED, UNHYGIENIC . I hv lived in many countries and saw DIRT. They are not REFUGEES but ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS. During WW2 , refugees were EMACIATED,and looked,like skeletons. Now they are healthy, wellfed, wrllhydrated with cell phone and laptop in hand and tbey WILL DESTROY WESTERN CULTURE. The DOGOODERS are going to help them infiltrate western world. I believe in CONTROLLED IMMIGRATION EHERBY WE BRING INMIGRANTS WHO WILL ASSIMILATE AND BE ASSET. MERKEL SAID THAT WHOLE WESTETN EUROPE WILL BE ISLAMIC BY 2050 and we will posdibly follow SHARIA LAW. GOOD LUCK AND THANKS TO OUR WISE POLITICIANS.
