Friday, July 14, 2017

New York City Police Commissioner O’Neill, Mayor de Blasio: White Police Sgt. Hugh Barry Had a Duty to Die at the Hands of Black Attacker Armed with a Deadly Weapon; Attacker Had a License to Kill


In a press conference on Wednesday, Mayor de Blasio said lethal force should not have been used by the police officer who shot and killed a woman in the Bronx
(Published Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

New York City’s communist Mayor Bill de Blasio and his flunky PC, James O'Neill, both lied about NYPD protocol. The Bronx DA’s Office later did likewise, in getting a kangaroo court indictment against Sgt. Hugh Barry for the crime of policing while white.

De Blasio, O’Neill, and the Bronx DA’s Office also poisoned the jury pool. Either Sgt. Barry will have to get a change of venue, or do what NYPD cops have long done, and opt for a bench trial, in which the judge is also the jury.

At the NBC link, there are several shameless videos of Bill de Blah Blah blah, et al., and 49 comments, most of them by cop-hating imbeciles.

If it looks as though the overwhelming majority of commenters are racist cop-haters, that’s because NBC’s thread Nazis deleted most of Sgt. Barry’s defenders.

Mayor, NYPD Chief Condemn Deadly Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Bronx Woman
The NYPD sergeant and eight-year department veteran who shot Deborah Danner was placed on modified duty
By Checkey Beckford, Jonathan Dienst and Katherine Creag
NBC New York

What to Know

• Deborah Danner, 66, was shot and killed by a uniformed sergeant in her Bronx apartment Tuesday evening, police say

• The NYPD had been responding to a 911 call complaining about Danner, who was described as emotionally disturbed

• Police are conducting an investigation into the incident, including why a stun gun wasn't deployed

[As this report itself says, they already have their answer: Deborah Danner charged Sgt. Hugh Barry with a deadly weapon. Shooting her down like a dog was moral, legal, and according to the New York City police Academy, professional thing to do.]

The NYPD sergeant who shot and killed an emotionally disturbed 66-year-old woman at her apartment in the Bronx Tuesday after she charged him with a bat has been placed on modified duty as top city officials, including the mayor and the head of the police department, condemn the gunfire.

[They didn’t “condemn the gunfire,” they condemned the white cop. How do you “condemn gunfire”?]

Police Commissioner James O'Neill said after a breakfast in the city Wednesday that it appeared some NYPD protocol as it relates to emotionally disturbed individuals was not followed in the case of Deborah Danner, who was shot twice after police responded to her apartment building.


"What is clear in this one instance, we failed. I want to know why it happened," O'Neill said. "We do have policies and procedures for handling emotionally disturbed people and it looks like some of those procedures weren't followed."

[Liar. There is no NYPD policy obliging officers to permit EDPs to murder them. Even if Sgt. Barry had violated procedure, it would have been highly prejudicial for Commissioner James O'Neill to weigh in.]

Mayor de Blasio said there had been past 911 reports regarding Danner, who had schizophrenia. Danner's sister, Jennifer, had been there many of those times to help authorities take Deborah to the hospital. She was there Tuesday, expecting police to help escort her sister out safely as they had in the past.

[Another one of those “harmless” schizophrenics, eh? Her sister tried to murder a cop.]

The NYPD sergeant who shot and killed an emotionally disturbed 66-year-old woman at her apartment in the Bronx Tuesday after she charged him with a bat has been placed on modified duty as top city officials, including the mayor and the head of the police department, condemn the gunfire. Marc Santia reports.
(Published Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016)

"She said she'd seen it done the right way and expected it to be done that way this time as well," de Blasio said. "You can only imagine the pain she feels having had to stand there and hear the shots fired and the recognition coming over her that she had lost her sister."

Both de Blasio and O'Neill pledged a thorough investigation. Officials will be looking into why the sergeant did not deploy his stun gun, for example.

Dozens of people called for justice for Danner in a march Wednesday night through the streets of Castle Hill.

[She got justice.]

"There's no justification for killing a 66-year-old mentally ill woman," one protester said.

[There's no justification for murdering a cop.]

"We're hurt, we're neighbors," another said.

De Blasio said the sergeant who shot Danner, an eight-year department veteran identified by the police union as Hugh Barry, was among the thousands of cops who received proper training as it relates to the mentally ill.

Mayor, NYPD Chief Condemn Deadly Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Bronx Woman

The NYPD sergeant who shot and killed an emotionally disturbed 66-year-old woman at her apartment in the Bronx Tuesday after she charged him with a bat has been placed on modified duty as top city officials, including the mayor and the head of the police department, condemn the gunfire. Andrew Siff reports. (Published Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016)

"Something went horribly wrong here," the mayor said. "It's quite clear our officers are supposed to use deadly force only when faced with a dire situation and it's very hard for any of us to see that that standard was met here."

[Nothing “went wrong.” It was a refusal-to-die incident. According to Bill de Blasio/Warren Wilhelm Jr., white policemen have a duty-to-die at the hands of colored criminals. Do white homosexual criminals also have a license to kill white policemen?]

"Deborah Danner should be alive right now, period," de Blasio added. "If the protocols had been followed, she would be alive. It's as simple as that."

The state attorney general's office said on Wednesday that it was reviewing the shooting to determine if it fell under a 2015 executive order assigning Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as the case's special prosecutor.

Officers were called to Danner's seventh-floor apartment on Pugsley Avenue in Castle Hill after a neighbor called 911 to report a disturbance. Barry encountered Danner in her bedroom; she was naked and armed with scissors, officials said. He persuaded her to put down the scissors but as he was coaxing her out of the room, she picked up the baseball bat and charged him.

That's when Barry fired two shots from his service gun, officials said. Danner was struck twice in the torso. She was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Danner's cousin, retired NYPD officer Wallace Cooke Jr., said that the officers responding to the call should have taken more care with the woman.


NYPD Commissioner Condemns Deadly Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Bronx Woman

Police Commissioner James O'Neill said it appeared some NYPD protocol as it relates to emotionally disturbed individuals was not followed in the case of Deborah Danner. Katherine Creag reports.
(Published Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016)

"They have been here numerous, numerous times over the years," she said. "Debbie was sick since she was in college."

Cooke added, "they have to do a better job of handling mental illness."


Ed Mullins, president of the NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association, said Barry was patient in trying to deescalate the situation. He said Barry was trying to convince Danner to leave the bedroom in a peaceful manner when she grabbed the bat, ignored his demands to drop it, and aimed the weapon at his head.

"Fearing for his own life, as well as the lives of others, Sgt. Barry fired two shots from his service weapon and mortally wounded Ms. Danner," Mullins said in a statement. "He immediately ordered medical treatment for her, unfortunately to no avail. Sgt. Hugh Barry, an eight-year department veteran with an exemplary record, took immediate charge of the situation. As a frontline supervisor, it is his responsibility to do so."

Mullins said "police work is not an exact science" and Barry had to make a split second decision. De Blasio -- and others -- say he made the wrong call. The mayor says NYPD training calls for isolation and containment of mentally ill patients; Barry should have held the woman at bay, protecting her, himself and the other officers at the scene, until members of the Emergency Services Unit arrived, he says.

[“[P]rotecting her” from what? Deborah Danner was in no danger; she was the danger.]

Barry has been the subject of two lawsuits in 2010 and 2011 alleging brutality, according to court records. The first was settled for $25,000 and the second for $10,000.

[What a cheap shot. $10,000 and $25,000 are bare minimum frivolous lawsuits. The low sums mean that the plaintiffs had absolutely nothing on Sgt. Barry, and the city settled, because it was cheap and easy.]

De Blasio Says Deborah Danner Should Still Be Alive

[No, she shouldn’t. She tried to take a life, and for that, she deserved to die. This is a zero-sum game. Either Danner was going to grievously wound or murder Sgt. Barry, or he was going to kill her. If de Blasio and O’Neill said Danner should be alive, that means they granted her the right to maim or murder Sgt. Barry. It’s that simple. ]

Democratic State Sen. Ruben Diaz said the shooting was indefensible.

"To me, it is very difficult to understand how a woman who is [66] years old and has emotional problems should have to die like this, especially if there are four or five police officers in the room with her," he said in a statement. "This elderly woman was known to the police department, yet the officer involved in this shooting failed to use discretion to either talk her down from her episode or, barring that, to use his stun gun."

[Yet another liar is heard from.]

Diaz says officers need to better trained in dealing with mentally ill people and that if they must shoot, to shoot in the leg.

[Diaz is not only a liar, but he’s a moron and evil, too. “Better-trained” means that cops should be taught to be so inhibited that they get killed by black and Hispanic cut-throats.]

De Blasio acknowledged the need for better training Wednesday. He also said the "tragic" case underscores the importance of addressing mental health issues as early as possible and putting more efficient government systems in place to provide consistent support to decades-long sufferers like Danner.

"We're dealing with human beings. Human beings sometimes make mistakes. Our job is to minimize those mistakes as much as possible," de Blasio said.

Published at 6:24 A.M. EDT on Oct 19, 2016 | Updated at 5:52 P.M. EDT on Oct 20, 2016


  1. NEGROES:Keep your mentally ill blacks (of which there are many millions)under control or it's very possible that police will have to permanently anesthetize them.
    Many are drugged out and brain drained from doin'the crack,coke and heroin.Others are just sociopathic.Over here in GR,TV stations are running nightly stories about how opioid overdoses are dramatically increasing the last 5 years.The counselors they talk to--and the reporters doing the research--don't have answers why many whites are dying in increasingly shocking numbers.
    Six weeks ago,4 blocks from my house,two white guys OD'ed at a McDonalds.One of them had OD'ed earlier in the day at ANOTHER restaurant.They resuscitated him the first time,but he finally did the trick correctly in the McD's bathroom the second time.
    My theory of why this is happening?(I'm 99.999% sure I'm correct).Blacks,pouring into GR West Side are getting their new white neighbors hooked on heroin and killing them with their drug dealing.Or they're getting whitey involved in the drug dealing business--who THEN get other whites hooked until death.
    We had no drug problems here until the flood of negro lowlifes moved in.A causation leads to correlation in this case.Blacks are lethal in many,many ways.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. De Blasio is a "mistake"--which needs to be corrected next election.

  3. Attacking a person with a bat is the use of lethal force or the intent is to cause grave bodily harm. Crazy or not crazy.
