Thursday, July 13, 2017

MSN Gags Readers

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 12:18:00 A.M. EDT

I was reading an MSN article and went to the comments, you know, where the real analysis is, and encountered this patronizing message:

"MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about"

What exactly could be better than people simply expressing their opinions freely and openly? What is meant by "better ways"? What it really means is that MSN will no longer allow people that are not ideologically (PC) pure to publicly post comments calling them out on their hypocrisy concerning issues of race. That is the primary reason. Gotta love the way they make it sound like they are doing the public a favor, and this is for "our" benefit. What a load of condescending crap. It's being done to protect virulently racist minority groups. The comments field is 80% of why I even read the articles on MSN. There's barely any point reading most of what they post, otherwise.


  1. """The comments field is 80% of why I even read the articles on MSN. There's barely any point reading most of what they post, otherwise. """


    The comment section is often where I find actual facts from knowledgeable people who correct the one sided media boilerplate.

    If I am really interested in the subject I will often search the internet for some website which has copied the story and allows comments.

    The MSM often claims they just want to keep out “hate speech” but it would be relatively easy to flag certain words and delete them. What they hate is after writing up their story the first few comments blows holes in it. They want to lecture the public, not converse with it.

  2. CNBC did this after the election.My local station eliminated comments a couple years ago.They can't handle the truth.

  3. jerry pdx
    Comment fields actually increase traffic, which increases revenue, so it's seems strange, on the surface, that these big media outlets would arbitrarily shut down comment fields but you have to consider that the purpose of the media is not to inform or stimulate debate, it is an indoctrination vehicle that disseminates the ideology of the wealthy elites that own it. Perhaps in the early days of media there were some ethical guidelines and legit attempt to be something more but it has devolved into a simple propaganda tool.

    Extra Extra Read all about it! Kartrashians! Diversity! Black Victimization! White guilt! Fake Hate Crimes! Ignore what's behind the Curtain! Ship Muslims and Africans into your neighborhood and keep the population up or you're a racist! More people, more, more, more... Buy, buy, buy and don't save your money! Funnel it all into the pockets of the rich because who cares about tomorrow!

    All the new catchphrases fit to print folks.

    Comment fields unexpectedly revealed that the public is far less brainwashed than our lords and masters believed and it is profoundly embarrassing to them so they are now acting to shut them down. Not to mention if people actually think, they might actually resist what they're trying to force down our throats.

  4. You knew this had to be coming, sooner or later, as the American people slowly realize the level of propaganda that the MSN articles are shoving down everyone's throat. Many people have been aware for years of MSN's policy of deleting any popular comments that conflicted with their Liberal Left Wing Agenda. YOU CAN EXPECT MORE CENSORSHIP FROM THE LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA!

  5. jerry pdx
    I should also add that it's the hard working middle class that is getting reamed most by the media, the message that underlies everything is that not only are we expected to bear the brunt of lining the pockets of the uber rich, we also have to support our parasitical negro population as well as finance the resettlment of 3rd world invaders into our country. The media tells us to bend over and take, if you complain then you are a "racist", a word that is the primary weapon in their language arsenal.

  6. And you've got comment moderation turned on for your site as well - I guess that makes you a mind-controlling liberal too?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:29:00 P.M. EDT

    “And you've got comment moderation turned on for your site as well - I guess that makes you a mind-controlling liberal too?”

    “As well”? What does that mean? I permit comments, while MSN does not.

    That was a rhetorical question. You’re a racial socialist, so even when you’re 100% wrong, you’re still right.

  8. Guess i'll make my home site now.Fuck you MSN
