Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Rogues’ Gallery of “Student” Thugs at Evergreen State College in Washington




At Narrative Collapse.
Corrected on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 9:40 p.m.


  1. jerry pdx
    I live in Oregon and heard about this, though it was slanted to make it appear that that normal straight whites were the problem, a little deeper reading and it's obviously the lefties who were the violent ones. It's always a little weird to see how diversity ideology makes strange bedfellows, a dyke fraternity and gay black dude armed with bats ready to fight side by side with Muslims who would stone them to death if they could get away with it. As long as they can fabricate a common enemy they can ignore their fundamental differences, just wait until the Muslim are majority in this country, it'd almost be worth living long enough to see those self righteous gay activists discover what life under Sharia law means for them.

  2. jerry pdx
    I meant dyke "sorority" of course...Here's an article that has some more detail but calls the white group "neo nazis" and cites what sounds like hate crime hoax acts. http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/racial-unrest-escalates-at-evergreen-state-college-06082017

  3. Love the colored guy with the pink hair. That is a guy, isn't it?

  4. Wasn't the left constantly talking years ago about the Klansmen who masked themselves with hoods?

  5. Anonymous said...

    "Wasn't the left constantly talking years ago about the Klansmen who masked themselves with hoods?"

    Yup, except the Klansmen were imaginary, while the masked, racial socialist thugs are real.

  6. Yup, except the Klansmen were imaginary, while the masked, racial socialist thugs are real."

    Chicago Nazi were not imaginary. A half dozen to a dozen of them. A major threat to all of world civilization. NOT!
