Monday, June 05, 2017

Police Name Two of the Three London Bridge Terrorists (Pics)


Khuram Shazad Butt (presently in Hell) and Rachid Redouane

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Police name two of the London Bridge terrorists
By Yaron Steinbuch
June 5, 2017 | 1:14 p.m. | Updated
New York Post

Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane UK Metropolitan Police
Two of the three London attackers were identified as Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane, who are both from Barking in east London, according to reports.

The third has not yet been identified.

Butt, 27, was a supporter of the banned Islamist group al-Muhajiroun who last month urged people not to vote in the general election, The Guardian reported.

His neighbors said his parents hailed from Jhelum, a town in Pakistan’s Punjab province, but he was believed to have been raised in the UK and was an avid fan of the Arsenal soccer club.

He was wearing the team jersey when he was shot dead by police.

Butt went by the name “Abu Zaitun” and was known widely as “Abs” by his gym pals and at the two mosques where he worshiped.

Redouane, 30, who had claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan, also used the name Rachid Elkhdar, the Independent reported.

The pastry chef had been living in east London with his wife, Charise Ann O’Leary, until they split six months ago, sources told The Guardian.

The former couple wed in Ireland in 2012, but she told friends she would “never” convert to Islam.

Redouane visited his estranged wife and daughter just three hours before the attack, The Telegraph said, quoting neighbors.

Butt had two young children — a son about 3 years old and a recently born baby — with a woman described locally as his wife.

He reportedly worked for a London transport network and at a fast-food eatery, the paper reported.

Butt associated with al-Muhajiroun, whose leader Anjem Choudary has been linked to the recruitment of more than 100 British terror suspects.

He was kicked out of an East London mosque amid concerns about his activities.

One source at the house of worship said that after the 2017 general election was called, he was seen handing out leaflets telling Muslims they should not vote or participate in the democratic process.

In 2015 he also was asked not to enter the mosque after trying to urge worshipers not to vote.

Butt also appeared in a Channel 4 documentary about British jihadists last year, when he tangled with police after unfurling an ISIS-linked flag in Regent’s Park in London.

The documentary also featured Siddhartha Dhar, who changed his named to Abu Rumaysah after converting to Islam and later traveled to Syria to join ISIS.

Dhar, 33, fled from the UK in 2014 after being arrested on suspicion of encouraging terrorism and being a member of al-Muhajiroun.

He is suspected of becoming a masked executioner for ISIS in Syria when he was filmed presiding over several murders after the death of fellow Briton Mohammed Emwazi, who was dubbed “Jihadi John.”


  1. ...and guess what?The Muslim radical they were in contact with,according to FOX and my local station(though it's not on the WOODTV website),was an Islamic radical--from MICHIGAN!!!
    Oh yeah,we have plenty of them in Southeast Michigan,one city (at least) has a majority Arab population and government run by Arabs.
    Anyways,the story is,this clerics website has been shut down.Also reports of houses being searched for "national security purposes",but that's pretty hush hush.If I find his name(mentioned on FOX),I'll post.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. One of the three Islamic terrorists who committed this weekend’s attacks at London Bridge was reportedly inspired to jihad by watching YouTube videos of Michigan-based Imam Ahmad Musa Jibril.

    While the video-sharing titan is known to take an aggressive posture when it comes to banning, suspending, and demonetizing conservative content, YouTube is giving a free pass to a hate preacher who calls for Muslims to join terrorist organizations.

    Not only is his own YouTube channel still accessible, Jibril’s sermons have been shared by countless fan pages and have accumulated millions of views.

    Moreover, in a U.K. TV documentary called “The Jihadis Next Door,” which was released last year, an acquaintance of one of the future London Bridge terrorists claimed he was radicalized by watching Jibril’s sermons.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Damn Englishmen. Always up to no good.
