Friday, June 02, 2017

Faggots Rule! “MLB” Sucks! Lords of Baseball Confiscate Salary from Kevin Pillar, Give It to Queer Nazis, and Force Him to Make Communist POW-Style Apology and Undergo Brain-Washing; PC Baseball Blog, Bleacher Report Shuts Down All Commenting


Kevin Pillar

By “W”

Kevin Pillar’s minor and big-league stats.

Kevin Pillar Donating Forfeited Salary for Homophobic Slur to LGBTQ Groups
By Mike Chiari
June 2, 2017
Bleacher Report
[Absolutely no comments permitted by BR!]

After yelling an anti-gay slur at Atlanta Braves pitcher Jason Motte on May 17, Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Kevin Pillar is set to make a donation to two Toronto-based LGBTQ groups.

Pillar was suspended two games for the incident and is setting aside the salary he forfeited for the donations, according to

After the incident occurred, Pillar apologized on Twitter:

Pillar also commented on his decision to donate, per "It's not lip service. It's easy to come out and make your apologies and hope people forget, but I meant what I said when I said hopefully I'll be made an example of."

The 28-year-old contributed to both PFLAG and You Can Play, and he is scheduled to undergo sensitivity training with PFLAG.


“Both benches clear after Jason Motte strikes out Kevin Pillar on a quick pitch to end the top of the 7th inning”
N.S.: Alternative caption, via Bronxilla Da Bronx: "I think he said Trump told me to stop the investigation."

The May 17 incident between Pillar and Motte occurred when Pillar felt as though [sic] he had been quick-pitched. It also led to both dugouts clearing.

Pillar sat out the next two games, and he is now hitting .271 with seven home runs and 13 RBI for the Jays this season.

N.S.: I couldn’t copy and paste the video of the incident, so I went looking for a video. I found one at Youtube, but it was a lecture by a member of the PC police, a certain Britt Johnson. (I eventually found a usable, lecture-free video.) I left the following message.

Affirmative action hire Britt Johnson is going to lecture us on PC manners? What did Kevin Pillar call Jason Motte, after the latter quick-pitched him? "Faggot"? What's wrong with that? Faggot, faggot, faggot!

For 40-odd years, I stopped using words like "nigger," "faggot," "cunt," etc., as a matter of manners, but in the face of the galloping totalitarianism of racial socialism, I now occasionally force myself to use them so as to not feel like the slave that tyrants like Britt Johnson, the Lords of Baseball, etc., seek to turn me into.

Fuck you very much, Britt. Oh, and I only tolerated 11 seconds of your ugly, high-pitched screed.

(I found that Johnson had posted a comment, thanking one of her fans.) To Britt Johnson: You're disgusting. And how did you get an on-air speaking job with such a godawful voice? It sure wasn't due to merit.


  1. But Kathy Griffin can imitate a headchopping of the Prez,"apologize",get a lawyer (Lisa Bloom--remember her?)and accuse Trump of"trying to ruin my career."
    Also a racist statement:"I've had trouble with older white men before..."
    Is that why she hangs out with Anderson Pooper?No threat from Queen Anderson?
    Bloom and her mommy,Gloria Allred were the ones who lined up all the chicks before the election with sexual harrassment charges against Trump.Same motive,different tactic:Get Trump.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Yeah, this Lisa Bloom is looking dirtier and dirtier, as in a DPUSA henchman. She promoted the Trayvon Martin Hoax, she targeted Bill O'Reilly, even when her client had no standing to sue, and I wasn't aware about her pre-election shenanigans.

    If she's engaging in dirty tricks, ostensibly on behalf of clients with no standing, then someone else has to be paying her... the DNC?
