Sunday, April 02, 2017

The Jamie Urton Lynching in Cincinnati is déjà vu All Over Again


War crime victim Jamie Urton

War crime suspect Deonte Baber


[Previously, on this atrocity, at WEJB/NSU:

“A Lynching in Cincinnati: Jamie Urton, 44, Murdered for Driving While White; AP and KSN Misrepresent Lynching as ‘Fight’; Did Emmitt Till Die in a ‘Fight’?”; and

“Cincinnati: More on the Lynching of White Motorist Jamie Urton by a Racist, Black Mob.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

This Urton lynching was deja vu. Even the name is similar to the incident of three years ago in Detroit. Urton—Utash. Read on from three years ago. I thought it was the same story.

DETROIT (WWJ) – As a 54-year-old Roseville man clings to life in the hospital following a brutal mob beating on Detroit’s east side, many are starting to wonder if the whole thing was racially motivated.

(GRA: You think?)

As first reported by WWJ Newsradio 950, an 11-year-old boy suffered a broken leg on Wednesday when he was hit by a pickup truck after walking into the street near Morang and Balfour. The driver, Steven Utash, immediately got out of his truck after hitting the boy and was viciously attacked by 10 to 12 men. The beating was so brutal, Utash was rendered unconscious.

Utash’s son Joseph told WWJ’s Gary Lundy Thursday night that his father remains in a medically induced coma, nearly unrecognizable due to his injuries.

“If it went on any longer, my dad wouldn’t be in the hospital right now, he would be in the morgue. The way he looked, I am surprised that he is alive,” he said. “He has bruising over his face, his eyes are swollen, I believe it’s his left eye that is completely swollen shut. He also has a big, huge knot on his forehead like he got hit with an object, not a fist.”

Joseph Utash said he was working with his father in Detroit just hours before the attack. Both of the men are tree-trimmers, working in the city for years now.

“I came home from work and it was on the news, my dad’s pickup truck, and I was just like ‘Oh my god.’ Then I heard that he hit a kid and I was like freaking out that my dad hit a kid. And then I heard that bystanders just beat him up and I just, I called my mom immediately,” he said. “From what I’m hearing is he tried to fight back, but trying to fight back against 11 people fighting you, that’s 22 fists coming at you at once, you can’t really do much.”

Detroit Police Sgt. Michael Woody said Steven Utash was not at fault for the accident.

“Our preliminary investigation shows the child stepped in front of his vehicle,” Woody said. “He did exactly the right thing. He stopped his vehicle, he got out and he tried to render aid to a small child. He did exactly what he was supposed to do… It was a small [sic] child and it was an accident is what it was.”

GRA: When I first read this story, I thought it was an update on the Utash beating and had to look it up to see that Utash and Urton's names were close enough to bring it back in my mind. The commenters in the Detroit Free Press I was reading at the time all said, "You do not stop to help a black in that situation. You drive off and call the cops from far away. They will understand."

--GR Anonymous

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 7:30:00 P.M. EDT

War crime victim Steve Utash with his daughter, Mandi Emerick (family photo)


  1. I just sent you the 911 call. As of Sunday morning, no arrests. The suspect(s) are in hiding.

    Almost no coverage by the MSM, only a "local story."

  2. Exactly.If whites had done this in ANY shape,form or degree to a black man,for running over a white kid...Lesta Holt would lead off his "Negro Nightly News" with 5 minutes of inflammatory,riot inducing crap.
    This--gets nothing.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. "If whites had done this in ANY shape,form or degree to a black man,for running over a white kid"

    Probably too strong to say that whitey would never have done what was done at the scene of the accident but the likelihood is very remote.
