Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Help Me Fight White Genocide, Worldwide!

I have been writing since 1989 or so about the dream hundreds of millions blacks ‘round the world have: To enslave and, ultimately, annihilate the white man.

Not all blacks share this dream, but most do, and the righteous blacks unfortunately have no say in the matter.

What makes things worse is that genocidal black supremacists have hundreds of millions of white allies around the world.

But they—the black and white savages—can be beaten.

I’ve done my part for a generation, and I continue to do it.

Please hit the “Donate” button at the top, and make a generous contribution, to help me continue my work.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

1 comment:

  1. "the dream hundreds of millions blacks ‘round the world have: To enslave and, ultimately, annihilate the white man.

    Not all blacks share this dream, but most do, and the righteous blacks unfortunately have no say in the matter."

    And as expressed in some quarters, "a minor consideration but probably a major wish!"
