Saturday, April 22, 2017

As Part of His 2020 Prexy Run, Leftward, Ho! NY Gov. Andrew “the Don” Cuomo Tried to Get Parole for Mass-Murdering, Unrepentant Terrorist Cop-Killer, Judith Clark; Parole Board: Hell No, Guv!; New York Post Goes Soft and PC


Top, Nyack policemen Waverly “Chipper” Brown and Edward O’Grady; below, security guard Peter Paige. Judith Clark murdered all three men. None of these pictures was provided by the New York Post.


The New York Post showed photos of unrepentant, mass-murdering terrorist Judith Clark (and her benefactor, Gov. Andrew “the Don” Cuomo), but no mug shots or any photos of Clark’s many victims. Not only did those victims include Nyack Policemen Waverly “Chipper” Brown and Edward O’Grady, and security guard Peter Paige, all of whom she murdered; but Nyack Police Detective Arthur Keenan and Officer Brian Lennon, and Brink’s security guard Frances Joseph “Joe” Trombino, all of whom she wounded. (The amazing Joe Trombino, who had survived service in the Korean War, grievous wounds in the 1981 Brink’s terrorist attack, and the 1993 Moslem World Trade Center Attack, would die in the 9/11 Moslem attack on the WTC.)

I am now calling Gov. Andrew Cuomo “the Don,” because he has affected a phony Italian accent, like some sort of off-the-boat Mafioso. In reality, he and his siblings were all born here, as was his beautiful mother, Matilda, and his late father, the silver-tongued Gov. Mario Cuomo.


Above, Brink’s security guard Joe Trombino; below, Nyack Police Detective Arthur Keenan and Officer Brian Lennon



The Post did not so much as mention Det. Arthur Keenan, Officer Brian Lennon, or guard Joe Trombino.

The paper quoted Clark’s daughter, Harriet Clark, but failed to point out that the daughter lied, when she asserted that her mother hadn’t killed anyone. When I was a kid, every child learned that in a bank robbery in which the robbers kill someone, the getaway driver is every bit as guilty of murder as the triggermen.


Above and below, terrorist mass murderer Judith Clark


Law enforcement officers and family members hold an annual memorial service for Judith Clark’s victims.



Sergeant Edward J. O'Grady and Police Officer Waverly L. Brown
Nyack Police Department

Brinks Guard Peter Paige

OCTOBER 20, 1981

Updated Ma6, 2015
Look Back and Remember

On October 20, 1981 heavily armed terrorists staged a daylight assault on a Brinks armored car at the Nanuet Mall in Nanuet, New York. In the attack that followed, Brinks guard Peter Paige was killed and Joseph Trombino seriously wounded, nearly losing his arm to the gunman’s bullets. Another Brinks guard, James Kelly, suffered wounds and a concussion as the gunmen pumped automatic weapon fire into the armored vehicle.

After leaving the mall the gunmen fled east, ditching their getaway car and entering the rear of a waiting U-Haul truck being driven by co-conspirators. This was an attempt to escape detection, as the participants knew that the police would be on the lookout for the male blacks that robbed the armored car. The gunmen were to be driven to safety by white accomplices, thinking they would easily escape back to New York City in the confusion immediately following the robbery.

Unfortunately for them a high school student witnessed the switch from the original getaway car to the U-Haul. Looking out her bedroom window, she notified the local police and an alert was broadcast to officers on patrol.

Ten minutes later Nyack Police officers were conducting a roadblock at Exit 11 of the New York State Thruway. Spotting a U-Haul, they ordered it to the side of the road. The driver and passenger in the front of the U-Haul did not match the description of the gunmen at the mall. Further, police radio transmissions had broadcast reports of another U-Haul being spotted heading south into New Jersey on Rt. 304.

Kathy Boudin, an occupant of the U-Haul, complained to the police that their guns made her nervous. Apparently, thinking they had the wrong U-Haul, the police stowed their weapons and shotgun. At that moment the rear of the U-Haul flew open and half a dozen heavily armed killers jumped out, each with military-style fully automatic weapons. Police Officer Waverly Brown was hit immediately and died at the scene. Detective Arthur Keenan was struck before he was able to take cover and return fire. Sgt. Edward O’Grady was shot numerous times and died ninety minutes later at Nyack Hospital. Officer Brian Lennon exchanged shots but was seriously outnumbered and under heavy fire.

At the time, Nyack Police carried six shot standard issue revolvers that were no match for the firepower of the heavily armed terrorists. Tests later conducted by law enforcement found that the killer’s guns were capable of shooting over 100 bullets per minute. O’Grady and Brown were the first Rockland County police officers shot to death in modern times.

In the confusion afterwards the killers fled in all directions. The Nyack community was overcome with a feeling of grief as it prepared to bury two of its own. Many of the killers were caught that day, some in the days, weeks and months to follow. Kathy Boudin was captured by an off-duty New York City corrections officer, Mike Koch, who witnessed the shootout and her attempted escape as she had fled the scene running near the New York State Thruway.

South Nyack - Grand View Police Chief Alan Colsey caught three other accomplices after a harrowing chase. Colsey pursued two escaping vehicles operated by the terrorists along Christian Herald Road and Midland Avenue until one of the vehicles crashed into a brick wall at Sixth Ave. and Broadway. Reports indicate that the occupants attempted to fire their weapons at the Chief, but they could not locate their ammunition in the aftermath of the violent crash. The other vehicle, containing Marilyn Jean Buck, Mutulu Shakur and others, made good their escape that day, but the bulk of the stolen Brinks money was recovered in the vehicle at Sixth Avenue.

Most of the terrorists were sentenced to prison on a variety of state and federal charges, never to see the light of day again. Kathy Boudin however, entered into a plea agreement that guaranteed she would spend twenty years to life in prison before coming up for parole. Her parole hearing is scheduled for August 2001. She could be released by the fall.

Parole board rejects Cuomo’s request to release Brinks robbery driver
By Carl Campanile
April 21, 2017 | 6:04 p.m. | Updated
New York Post

Judith Clark is led by authorities in 1981.

In a startling rebuff, the New York State Parole Board denied the release of ex-Weather Underground radical Judith Clark from prison after Gov. Cuomo commuted her sentence.

Clark, 67 was convicted for her role as the get-a-way driver in the infamous 1981 Brinks robbery in which two Nyack police officers and a security guard were killed.

The three victims whose lives were snuffed out were Officers Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown and security guard/driver Peter Paige.

Clark became eligible for parole after Cuomo, in an extraordinary decision, commuted her 75-year-to-life sentence last December — giving her the right to make her case to the Parole Board.

Without his intervention, she would not have been eligible for parole until 2056 and would likely have died behind bars.
But in a unanimous decision, the three-member parole board member concluded that the severity of Clark’s crime’s outweighed her good behavior and deeds in prison and calls for her release.

“We do find that your release at this time is incompatible with the welfare of society . . . .You are still a symbol of violent and terroristic rime,” parole board members Tina Stanford, Kevin Ludlow and Sally ThompsoIn its decision.

They also noted that Clark had a criminal record of aggravated battery, aiding escape, mob action and resisting arrest prior to her New York crimes. And she was unrepentant at her sentencing, referring to herself as “at war with America.”

The parole board members, part of an independent body, were appointed by three different governors.

Her next parole board date for potential release is in two years, April of 2019.

Harriet Clark, the daughter of the inmate, was crestfallen.

“I understand and agree that my mother’s punishment must honor the seriousness of her crime but I believe that 35 years in prison is a serious punishment,” Harriet Clark said.

[Her mother should have been executed years ago, but New York is a justice-free zone.]

“My mother did not kill anyone and it’s hard for me to understand who is served by making her die in prison, which is what decisions like this eventually amount to. The Parole Board sent a discouraging message today to people on the inside and their families on the outside so I want to send a different message and say how proud I am of the men and women I know inside who work so hard to transform their lives and who, like my mother, deserve to come home to their families.”


Clark’s lawyer, Steve Zeidman, said the decision “ignores” Clark’s “extraordinary record of achievement and transformation and instead elevates calls for interminable punishment.”

Allen Roskoff, a friend of Clark who headed the group “Candles for Clemency” and campaigned for her release, said, “ We’re heart broken. We’re devastated. The Parole Board is broken.”

[Roskoff is a racial socialist and militant homosexualist. In other words, an evilist. This was the most courageous action the New York State Parole Board had taken in years.]

But families of the victims were thrilled that Clark will remain behind bars.

“I want her to stay there for the rest of her life,” said Josephine Paige, the widow of Peter Paige.

“My husband is in the ground and she’s going to get out? She doesn’t deserve it.”

Cuomo, for his part, did not second-guess the Parole Board’.

“Judith Clark deserved the opportunity to make her case for parole based on her extensive prison programming, her perfect disciplinary record while incarcerated, and impressive self-development over the past 35 years. The commutation afforded her that opportunity and we respect the parole board’s decision.,” said Cuomo spokeswoman Dani Lever.

Parole board members grilled Clark during a hearing on April 6 at the Bedford Hills Correction facility, where she has been incarcerated following her Oct. 14, 1983 conviction for murder in the second degree and robbery in the first degree.

As her Parole Board hearing approached, opponents dropped off petitions signed by 10,000 people — including many in law enforcement — saying Clark should be kept behind bars.

Meanwhile nine members of New York’s congressional delegation — Adriano Espaillat, Hakeem Jeffries, Carolyn Maloney, Greg Meeks, Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Jose Serrano, Nydia Velazquez and Tom Suozzi co-signed a letter to the Parole Board urging her release.

James Foley (at Gannett)

Will Columbia University adjunct professor Kathy Boudin be there to see her handiwork ? I know her victims will not be there. Shameful that this woman is in a position of power and authority after killing those who were there to protect us. This woman deserves to work for a living, but considering her socialist , race war , murdering history, she should be ,at best , bussing tables.
Like · Reply · 8 · Oct 17, 2014 9:10 a.m.


  1. To my ears, NYS Governor Cuomo does not sound Italian or Italian American. This highly educated man is affecting a NY Puerto Rican or East Coast urban (street) accent to get twisted brownie points. Or insurance on not having his car keyed? To me anyway, I don't get mafia wanna be.

    I was thrilled reading that Judith Clark did not make parole. Stupid celebrities! No empathy for those she helped murder.

    What I find interesting is the way they ambushed the cops. Seems like they were trained - probably by Fidel. Her co defendant is still free in Cuba, Joanne Chesimard. aka Assata Shakur. Can't wait until she is extradited back to the USA, now that Kunstler and Lynn Stewart are dead in hell.

    Oops I missed her memorial today.
    reading her memorial announcement and the articles following, I feel quite sick reading all that nonsense I had once believed. There were times when I experienced outright hostility from the so called oppressed blacks and Spanish. Now I simply understand that they hate white people. It's taken a long time for me to see that after many bad experiences.

    Look who spoke at Lynn Stewart's memorial the "Honorable Charles Barron" The same Assemblyman who walked into a murder trial with the suspect's father this week. No doubt trying to influence the jury during Chanel Lewis's trial. what a guy....

    GRA:3 crazy negro women,ransack a store in Kentwood (Grand Rapids suburb)on video and then run a clerk over,causing severe injuries.The blacks said the 57 year old woman "disrespected us."
    All blacks are insane.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. “ We’re heart broken. We’re devastated. The Parole Board is broken.”

    Broken! Liberal left wing code word that indicates a lie is about to be said.

  4. "To my ears, NYS Governor Cuomo does not sound Italian or Italian American. This highly educated man is affecting a NY Puerto Rican or East Coast urban (street)accent"

    We can agree it is an affectation and not sincere?
