Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Yet Another Thing We Can Blame on John Derbyshire!

By Nicholas Stix

The Derb’s done it again!

My VDARE colleague John Derbyshire has called for “some Alt Right poetry — enough of it ultimately, perhaps, to be gathered in an anthology, to be published by VDARE.com.”

I don’t think I ever revealed this before, but I am a former elementary school ghostwriter of doggerel and discourse.

I haven’t written any doggerel in several years, but Derbyshire provoked what is to follow. That’s right. In the face of criticism, I have no intention of taking responsibility. However, I fully intend to accept any and all praise.

The Prisoner
By Nicholas Stix

On her own Devil’s Island she stands,
Alone, one arm raised,

I once visited her,
Walked up the winding stairs
To her crown.

Mom had said,
“Let’s go,”
And so we went.

But now visitors must apply
Six months in advance,
To the prison authorities.

If only we could break her out,
For the sake of freedom,
Hers and ours alike.

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