Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Psychological Problems Caused by Media Evil

The situation is unfortunately impossible. I am not at all impervious to this situation. It’s as true of me as it is of anyone else. How can I say, “Lies, lies, lies!”? What would my independent position be? Where race and “journalism” and “scholarly research” about it are concerned, I enjoy that position. Regarding many matters, not so much.


  1. Business must be booming for shrinks in Democratic America.Wonder if I should buy stock in various pharmaceutical companies that specialize in tranquilizers.Could be the next great stock run.

  2. Channel switching(Is ABC any better than the other two?)
    Scott Pelley wore his welcome out quickly on the Colored Broadcasting System Evening News.
    Same news copywriter for all networks?Must be Lesta writes it up and syndicates the text to the other ones.
    Headlines:Trump scandal looked into.FBI head Comey will be investigated(for costing Hillary the election).Trump nominee Mattis doesn't agree with Trump.
    Now for the nice stuff.Biden given 5 minutes coverage and full canonization.It was like a funeral,complete with tears from Biden and a somber tone from Pelley.
    The Freddie Gray case made its incorrectly reported way on next,as Pelley babbled that "The Feds had come to an agreement with the Baltimore police dept on a plan to improve the way arrests are made.This comes in the wake of the Freddie Gray arrest,which led to his death."
    Unreported:Police not convicted of ANYTHING concerning Gray.
    This week,police charged in the Gray case,were given the right to sue the DA office for misuse of their office and false arrest.THAT wasn't reported of course.If I hadn't known the facts,I would have thought the Baltimore cops were being punished for an actual misdeed.
    It's all how you report it.
    --GR Anonymous
