Friday, January 06, 2017

Nigger Navy and Nigger-Guy! (Photoessay)


  1. 1 shooter detained in shooting at Ft.Lauderdale airport.US born Mexican Esteban Santiago arrested as he tried to reload.5 dead 8 injured.
    Second active shooter reported now at 2:50pm.Airport locked down.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Police officer on FOX reporting TSA thinks there are potential 1-4 active shooters in an underground garage of the airport.The previous name given is being thought of as a phony ID.

  3. Ft.Lauderdale police chief says,"No other shooters".Rumor of other active shooters debunked.

  4. jerry pdx
    Shooters name is Esteban Santiago, a US native military veteran and yes, another non white mass shooter. How many of them do we have to have before liberals and non whites admit that mass shooting isn't just "whitey's thing"?

  5. Quite a coincidence that you have a picture of "Wheel of Fortune" in this story about the misspelled tweet.
    "Wheel of Fortune",in addition to making sure that a nig is one of the 3 contestants--on a daily basis,has now made it their mission to have at LEAST two queer contestants on during a 5 day span.
    Sajak(talking to man):"So tell me about yourself."
    Man contestant:"I'm Jeff and I'm engaged for 4 months to my fiancee Thomas and we have produced a wonderful shitzu together."(Actual quote).
    Sajak probably thinking:"Hmmm,is THAT what happens when queers don't use birth control?"(But he doesn't dare say it).
    Last night they showed the two queer guys smooching,after the contestant won the final puzzle.
    America's game?I don't think so-not anymore.
    Someone on that show has an agenda to expose us to that aberrant lifestyle.When they walk in to be interviewed,it's difficult to believe the producers can't tell they're flaming gay men.I think they look for them.
    So at this point,it looks like,if you're a straight,white guy trying to get on a gameshow...fuhgeddaboudit.Queers and blacks have to be on first--unless its "Jeopardy"(so far).
    ---GR Anonymous

  6. jerry pdx
    I do watch Wheel of Fortune and have noticed a fair number of male contestants proudly announcing they have "partners" or "husbands", it does come off weird though I don't think that gay men have been shoved gratuitously in our faces (and particularly the faces of children) nearly as aggressively as lesbians have been.
    I have nothing against people being open and honest about their sexuality but when that "openness" becomes a crusade the manipulate children into think homosexuality is a legitimate "alternative" then I draw the line.

    I've written about my opinions on this before and I think people on both sides of the political spectrum might be angered by this or consider it controversial, including regular readers of this blog, but I think it bears repeating: I do not believe that men become homosexual due to environment, men have testosterone and are sexually impulsive, they don't think or decide to become homosexual, it is possible there has been some hormonal influence combined with environment at an early stage of their development that causes men to have homosexual impulses but they don't just "decide" to be gay based on external influences.
    Women however, are different, they have estrogen and can be reactive when it comes to sexuality, environmental influences can affect a woman's sexuality
    So a woman, particularly a young one, may decide to become a lesbian based on images of lesbian behavior she sees in the media. It's actually quite easy to prove it, just watch Jerry Springer, read some lesbian literature or watch a myriad of pop stars declare themselves to be "bisexual" (in a way that lets young girls know it's a political and power move). The media is filled with suggestions to young females that they should become lesbians as revenge to those scumbag men. Sexually graphic lesbian imagery is being aggressively peddled to underage girls in Western society, you don't see this with male homosexuality, there seems to be a permissive attitude when it's homosexual women doing it but a paranoia about men doing it. In my opinion the promotion of lesbian behavior among young girls is far more prevalent and far more damaging them than to young males seeing a few gay guys on game shows.

    Statistics seem to bear out my theory. 40 years ago around 5% of men and 3% of women reported being bisexual or homosexual, fast forward to this era and virtually the same percentage of men, 5%, report being gay while the number of bisexual and homosexual women has exploded to 15%. I believe this increase is entirely due to the media promotion of lesbianism to underage girls. Imagine how outraged society would be if 15% of men "decided" to become homosexual, I suspect people might start questioning the impact media is having on our children's sexuality, but when it's young girls they seem to accept it. After all, isn't being a lesbian supposed to be "chic" and stylish? Whereas being a gay man is gross and disgusting. I actually agree that gay men are gross and disgusting but I don't agree that being a lesbian should be "chic".

    Try telling all that to a lesbian, especially of the radical feminist variety, and you can find yourself being called every name in the book. I have done it and experienced exactly that.

  7. I'm just putting forth the proposition that "Wheel of Fortune",which is as mainstream a show as a syndicated network can broadcast,is pulling the same scam that we've seen from the Negro Broadcasting Company (NBC),the Colored Broadcasting System(CBS),and ABC (Amenable Black Corporation),and various other offshoots of those networks--namely:
    An intentional effort to put an amount of gays,lesbians,blacks on the show,that far exceed the numbers in our country's population--to influence our mindsets and tolerance for these groups.
    Night after night,you can watch news "stories" serving as blatant propaganda-- the sole purpose of which,is changing the political and societal viewpoints of the people tuning in.Anti-Trump,anti-cop,anti-white stories abound.Pro-minority stories are the norm.The liberal agenda(and their tactics)are not subtle.They've turned up the volume the last couple of years as conservatives have tried to push back.
    Now something has happened to "Wheel" as well.My assumption is,somewhere up the chain of management (Sony) of this show,a decision was made to push more minorities and gays through the process, to be contestants.I can only go by what I see.I can only compare,what WAS to what IS.
    Demographics would indicate a favoritism is taking place on who is being approved to be a contestant(blacks and gays over straight white men on a relative basis).
    When cameras show gay men kissing ON AIR(as I saw on Friday),that is unmistakable in my mind,that the show is trying to indicate,this lifestyle is NORMAL and should be accepted.It could've been edited out--but wasn't.
    Just another brick in the wall of abnormal behavior(and that includes black and minority crime,which some on TV explain away on a nightly basis.The latest,Don Lemon,saying the 4 black thugs in Chicago were misguided youths and not hate-crime felons)that is being forced on regular Americans.
    There's no other explanation for this in my book,which if I had a book,would be called,"Who,Why and What the Hell Happened to America?"
    --GR Anonymous

  8. I guess to make it fair we need to go back and prosecute those god-fearing white people who where never arrested for illegally lynching and mutilating blacks, while picnicking with their wife and kids.
    You can't correct stupid!!!!!
