Monday, January 02, 2017

“Are You a Racist?” Racist, Reconquista Univision “Reporter” Socorro Cruz Can’t Even Speak English, but She Can Race-Bait a White Hate Crime Victim Bloodied by an Illegal Alien! (Dramatic Video)


“Mug shot” from Socorro Cruz’ Facebook page, which is entirely in Spanish*, and which is apparently the only language she’s familiar with

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I don’t know who the white hate crime victim is, but he’s clearly a patriotic American immigration activist. From the context, it appears that the black American is the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who is a famous patriot, though no thanks to the MSM.


Published on Sep 12, 2014 by Conservative Channel.

Latino reporter asks white man standing with a black preacher if the white man is a racist for wanting the southern border of the US secure?

*Correction (Monday, January 2, 2016, 10:59 p.m.): Cruz' Facebook page does have some messages from her in broken English, e.g.: "Good morning!!! Today is the last Friday of the year; in Los Angeles California is a cloudy and rainy day, it seems that the 2016 crying because he's almost reach its end..."

1 comment:

  1. I guess that if it is racist to want the laws obeyed and the border secured then we are all racist. So what?
