Sunday, August 07, 2016

An Apology to My Readers


The post, “Man Allegedly Robbed, Raped at Knifepoint by Two Men in Popular Northwest D.C. Park,” appears three times. This was due not to my being hacked (which has happened repeatedly, at the hands of the same offender, forcing me to repeatedly change my password). Rather, Blogger’s software was not working. Or was it?

I tried to post the item at 11:57 p.m. or so, so that I’d have at least one post for the day (I was trying to post a second piece by 11:59 p.m.), but got an error message. So, I tried again. And again. I kept pounding the darned “post” button, and kept getting the same bloody error message.

A few minutes after the clock struck midnight, I checked my posts, and lo and behold, the machine had posted the item every time, or just about every time it had told me it couldn’t post.

Now, I hate to have to delete posts, but each iteration had only received a couple of hits, so I figured I’d cut the duplicate and triplicate posts… in a little while.

When next I checked, an hour or so later, every copy of the post had hits like crazy. I’m sorry if I wasted your time, but no one armed with a blog works as hard for every hit, or is as greedy about hits as I am! Thus, I can’t bring myself to delete the extra posts.


Nicholas Stix

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