Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Headlines of Interest Today: From Michigan to Germany, and Back to Philadelphia

Monday, July 25, 2016, 6:44 p.m.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

Flushing Township homeowner puts up sign some call racist
By Joel Feick
Sunday, July 24th 2016

Flushing Township Man Wants to Make His Town White Again.

A Flushing Township man says he was so upset some people stole his Donald Trump signs, he put up another sign that some consider racist.

The homeowner, who would only give us his first name, Bryan, says 4 of his Trump signs were stolen from his Coldwater Road home. So he put up a sign that reads " Make the Township White Again".

He says it's a take-off on Trumps slogan "Make America Great Again.

Bryan claims township police officers tried to take it, and several residents stopped by to voice their displeasure with its racial overtones.

A township resident, who's also on the planning commission says the sign is racist and perhaps illegal.

Donn Hinds confronted Bryan at Bryan's home, questioning why he would put it up.

Hinds says it goes too far.

Bryan says "It was just a joke because Donald Trump says Make America great again. All it said was make the Township White again."

"Can You understand how some people might think that's racist?"

"No, I think it's funny."

Hinds says "No, I didn't laugh. I think it's offensive and it hurts our community and it's in everybody's worst interests."

"What were you trying to say?"

"No, there's just a lot of welfare people living here now, white and black. And it's ruining everyone's housing values."

Grand Rapids Anonymous:

The homeowner is correct in his views, and I 'm sure the welfare bunch are mostly black--but he just added the white reference to be PC.

Next, the Syrian who bombed a German city, injuring 15, said something very profound in explaining why he did it.

"The Germans were interfering with the spread of Islam". THAT should be remembered by all who want refugees pouring into (pick a country or continent). It's not just the extremists who want to take over Christian areas of the world--it's also the quiet ones.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton today at the DNC, completing his total and absolute sellout. Of course, Lester Holt on the Anti-Trump, Negro Nightly News blamed Russia for the e-mail scandal causing the controversy, and linked Russia to a pro-Trump agenda. Lol.

Sanders should have had the courage to NOT go on that stage and push for Clinton—just as he should have had the cojones to tell BLM to get the hell away from his microphone, some months ago. The man is a wimp.

Let's hope the Sanders backers, who obviously have seen the REAL B.S. (Bernie Sanders), come over to vote for Trump.

1 comment:

  1. "A township resident, who's also on the planning commission says the sign is racist and perhaps illegal"

    If those signs are illegal THEN NICHOLAS'S WEB SITE IS ILLEGAL!!
