Sunday, June 05, 2016

The Paradox of the Modern Olympic Games: They Try to Mash Together Sublimated Nationalist Passion with Globalist Pipe Dreaming; Extra! Extra! Get Your Sunday Multicultural Wrap-Up!

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

“* This won’t be the first time the Empire State Building appears in this week’s wrap-up.

“Spike Lee flipped the switch to light the top of the ESB in orange lighting to heighten awareness for gun control, and especially to call attention to the fact that New York City has no gun control ordinances.”

Lee is very concerned about disarming law-abiding whites, so his that fellow black supremacist cut-throats can more easily rob, rape, torture and slaughter them. Note, too, that thanks to New York State’s unconstitutional Sullivan Act, which gives police chiefs unlimited power to infringe upon citizens’ Second Amendment rights, New York City has no need for “gun control ordinances.”

“* One easy way to see how the 2016 image is better than the 2001 image is by comparing the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in both shots. It’s the suspension bridge on the northwest corner of both images.

“Also, if you squint really hard and know what to look for, you can see Nicholas Stix’s house.”

All of the above, and more, can be found at Countenance, natch.

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