Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Nation of Sluts: See This Graph Showing the Rise of Promiscuity Among American Females

Back in 1976 (i.e., long before I was born!), a women's magazine published a poll of 18-year-old girls. Eight percent said they were still virgins, and those numbers were credible back then.

And when white boys—even white trash—knocked up their girlfriends, they typically married them.


  1. jerry pdx
    Yale students have signed a petition to declare the campus a 'Dead white male poet free zone'. Shakespeare and Chaucer don't speak to gay, minorities or other "disenfranchised" peoples. So therefore we must no longer include them in the curriculum. My question is "who" are these students and do they represent the majority? I suspect it's a very few non white and homosexual ones. I have a solution, simply declare Shakespeare and Chaucer to have had African blood, then all the haters will suddenly hear their words speaking to them in a way they didn't understand before. Kind of like those liars that have tried to claim that great classical composers like Beethoven or Mozart had black blood and suddenly decided that their music speaks to them on some ancestral level.

  2. jerry pdx
    As for judging female promiscuity, and male for that matter I follow a simple rule. Whatever number of sexual partners most women claim to have had, double it. For white men, whatever number they claim, cut it in half. That's the rule, women don't want to seem promiscuous and men want to be studs.
    As for negro males, whatever number they claim cut it by 3/4 or 4/5's, they are even more desperate than white or asian men to be seen as ladies men and will lie pathologically to reinforce the facade.

  3. You can count the black guys sex partners easy---by the number of "outside kids" they have.Too stupid to wear protection on some pregnancies,but in most others--they WANT to knock up the women-- to keep them as part of a revolving harem they visit for sex,but not real involvement or responsibility.Some of these nigs have multiple gfs spitting out multiple burrheads.But your first paragraph was dead on and pretty funny.

    --GR Anonymous
