Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hurray for WEXIT! George Will Has Left the Republican Party!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

At tip ‘o the hate to my friend, Oak Park, Illinois journalist and blogger, Jim Bowman, author of, most recently, the absorbing, moving, funny memoir, Company Man: My Jesuit Life, 1950-1968, which will seem to some younger readers to be about a foreign country, centuries ago, but which actually takes place in the Land of Lincoln, not so long ago.

What does “conservative” George Will hope to conserve?

In order to appreciate George Will’s hatred for Donald Trump—or rather for the long ignored voters Trump represents—you have to understand that Will once hated Ronald Reagan, too. Will was against Reagan, before he was for him.

Back last August, when Will declared war on Trump, he waxed nostalgic for Reagan, but as a National Review reader pointed out, Will had long been a Reagan-hater.

Will had worked against Reagan, whom he demed “unelectable,” in 1976, and early in 1980. And, as MoFo Politics reminds us, Will has a history of being wrong on almost everything!

The Reagan Democrats, whom Will hates with a vengeance, gave America the Reagan years, Donald Trump as Republican nominee, and are the difference between the GOP possibly recapturing the White House, and both the Party and America—barring a bloody Civil War II—being lost forever.

Conservative columnist George Will says he's leaving GOP over Trump
By Daniella Diaz
Updated 4:23 P.M. ET, Sat June 25, 2016

Washington (CNN) Conservative commentator and columnist George Will says he is leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump -- and he's advocating that others do the same.

In a speech at a Federalist Society luncheon Friday, he told the audience, "This is not my party," according to PJ Media, a conservative news website.

[You’re darned tootin,’ it’s not your party! That’s one thing we can agree on.]

The Pulitzer Prize winner confirmed to PJM in an interview after his speech that he had left the party and was now "an unaffiliated voter in the state of Maryland" before switching the subject.

PJM reported that Will cited House Speaker Paul Ryan's endorsement of Trump is one of the reasons why he decided to leave the party. Will didn't say whether he'd vote for either Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton or a third-party candidate, such as Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Will, who worked on President Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign, also said at the luncheon that Trump as president with "no opposition" from a Republican-led Congress would be worse than Clinton as president with a Republican-led Congress.

When asked by PJ Media about his message to conservatives regarding Trump, Will responded, "Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House."

[It was recently reported that this is the strategy of the “NeverTrump” slutservatives who are working to help Hillary Clinton win the presidency. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that this is it, and that if Trump loses, it’s all over for the GOP. A President Hillary Clinton would turn so many criminal foreign invaders into “citizens” that the Democratic Party would be guaranteed a one-party dictatorship in perpetuity.]

CNN efforts to reach Will were not immediately successful Saturday.

Will has long been a harsh critic of Trump. Just earlier this month, he told Fox News that Trump is a "real amateur in politics."

[As opposed to Mitt Romney, whom Will predicted four years ago to win in a “landslide” against “Obama.”? Then I guess we need more amateurs.]

“He seems to confuse the enthusiasm of the crowds in front of him at the moment in the high school auditorium with the larger electorate,” he said. "Whereas, in fact, crowds are definitionally not a representative selection of the American people."

[What a stupid thing to say. First of all, Trump is packing stadiums, and second of all, if Will were right, Trump would never have won the Republican nomination. Trump’s nomination victory proves, definitionally, that his crowds are a representative selection of Republican voters. As for the American people, no political crowd is a representative selection of them, so that criticism was irrelevant.]

And this is not the first time the conservative has broken with Republican Party orthodoxy. In 2009, he wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post calling on the United States to get out of Afghanistan, which received criticism from his party.

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