Sunday, June 12, 2016

Daniel Pipes: Approximately10-15% of Muslims are Islamists, but 100% of Muslims are Muslims/Hillary Has the Solution to the Orlando Radical Extremist (Don't Say Moslem!) Attack! (Graphic)


  1. Obama is going to make this an antigay thing instead of an Islam attack.He will say "this is an example of why we,as a country,need to accept all people--regardless of their race,religion,sexual preference or beliefs".
    Just heard on Fox that the gunman,before being shot by police,shouted his allegiance to Isis.We don't need to accept those who are antiUSA.Do we have to accept Muslims into this country knowing that a certain percentage (15-20%)are potential mass murderers?I would think not.
    ---GR Anonymous

  2. Obama makes comments about Mateen,saying "he was filled with hate".Well all Islamists hate US citizens.Actually the more perverse the lifestyle,the more likely you will be in Isis crosshairs.The more liberal you are--the more Isis wants to kill you.They are an ultraconservative religion that has no room for the freedoms that liberals enjoy.So by opposing Trump and his ban on Muslim immigration,the liberals are voting in favor of letting in the people that HATE THEM!How insane is that type of thinking?.How insane for countries to let Muslims in...Muslims who we know nothing about except...SOME of them may attack us in some degree that could range from a singular attack on a nightclub,a 9/11 attack OR a dirty nuke incident.
    If Israel was in existence during World War 2,does anyone think that they would allow Germans to immigrate to their country?Does ANY country do this during war?There is an ideological war going on between Islam and the West.Keep the Muslims where they belong until they convert to OUR way of thinking.
    ---GR Anonymous
