Saturday, June 04, 2016

For Somali-Americans, Verdicts are Discouraging: Why Can't Somali-Americans Pursue Their Dreams of being International Terrorists Without Government Meddling?; Terrorist Interviewees and MSM Operatives Unwittingly Confirm Every Negative Stereotype of Terrorism in General, and of Somali Terrorists, in Particular


“Ayan Farah, the mother of defendant [sic] Mohamed Farah, 22, hugged her youngest son Abdirahmin, 9, outside the family's restaurant Friday after Mohamed Farah and two others were convicted in federal court.” [He’s not a “defendant,” he’s a convict. The Red Star Tribune’s caption editor wrote “defendant,” to imply that convicted terrorist Mohamed Farah somehow wasn’t convicted, or was somehow innocent of the charges.]

"Some Somali-Americans say trial was rushed, while other Somali-Americans worry other young Somali-Americans will be entrapped." Still other Somali-Americans wonder: why can't Somali-Americans pursue their dreams of being international terrorists without Government meddling?

For Somali-Americans, verdicts are discouraging
Some say trial was rushed, others worry other young people will be entrapped.
By Faiza Mahamud and Libor Jany
June 4, 2016 — 7:47 a.m.
[Red] Star Tribune
[Absolutely no comments permitted]

Disbelief. Anger. Frustration.
Those were the immediate reactions of many Somali-Americans across Minneapolis on Friday after hearing the news that three local men had been found guilty of conspiring to join Muslim extremists more than 6,000 miles away.

After three weeks of testimony at the U.S. District Courthouse downtown, jurors convicted Abdirahman Daud, 22, Mohamed Farah, 22, and Guled Omar, 21, of plotting to support a foreign terrorist organization and to commit murder abroad, a charge that carries a sentence of up to a life in prison.

“There was not enough evidence for me to think that,” Abdikadir Hassan, 25, said of the guilty verdicts as he sipped tea at a cafe inside the Somali Village Market, also called the 24 Mall, in south Minneapolis.

Hassan said he knew at least one of the defendants growing up, having attended the same schools and prayed in the same mosque. He said he believes the jurors’ decision was influenced by the way that the Muslim community is portrayed by authorities and the mainstream media.

[The first law of lying is plausibility. Authorities and the mainstream media always go out of their way to portray Moslems as hero/victims who are culturally enriching our lives.]

As he spoke, Goth Ali, a 31-year-old Minneapolis resident, nodded, adding that Somali-Americans are treated differently from their white counterparts — inside and outside the courtroom.

Some people [terrorists] lingered outside the federal courthouse in Minneapolis after a verdict was read in the ISIL case


“If you talk, then they will manipulate, they’ll twist your words, even though we have the freedom of speech,” said Ali, who said he was pulled out of a security checkpoint at an airport after returning to the U.S. from Nairobi and questioned for nearly an hour, while his travel companion, who is white, was allowed through.

[Why do I not believe this guy? He, like the other terrorists interviewed for this thing, are clearly obeying the Moslem rule of taqqiya, of lying to non-Moslems.]

“When I came back, I felt a little like it’s not my country,” he said. Other Somali-Americans, Ali said, feel similarly alienated at times.

[Whom do you think you’re fooling? You don’t think of yourself as an American, you never did, and you never will.]

Behind the men, a large flat-screen TV blared news about the presidential campaign.

At the sprawling Somali Village Market, dozens of customers and merchants lined the walls for afternoon prayers at the same time the jury foreman read the verdicts to the packed federal courthouse several miles away.

Fatuma Abdi, 27, said that she hadn’t kept up with the trial, which wasn’t a regular topic of conversation among her friends.


“I’m sorry to hear that, but I don’t keep up with community affairs,” she said.

But others at the mall said the case exposed a cultural divide — between younger Somalis, who were born in the United States and are becoming increasingly integrated into mainstream culture, and their more traditional parents, many of whom fled their war-torn homeland two decades ago.

Around the time the three men were arrested, many community elders advocated working closely with authorities to stop the recruitment of local Somali youths by overseas jihadist groups.

Some expressed bewilderment at the #freethebros hashtag campaign that called for the defendants’ release. That campaign accused federal authorities of singling out and spying on a largely peaceful community based on the bad acts of a few individuals.

[Somalis, “largely peaceful”?

Mohamed Abdi said that he generally agreed with the jury’s findings, but that the trial had raised bigger, if unspoken, concerns.

“Every community has a generational gap, but with the Somali community there’s also a language barrier,” he said.

He contended that the result is often that Somali-American children find themselves caught between two worlds.

“If you say you’re in the government’s favor, you’re viewed as an evil person,” said Abdi, 35. “If you’re not in the government’s favor, then they might come after you.”

A ‘sad day’ for some

At the Brian Coyle Community Center, a popular hangout in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, the response was even stronger.

Burhan Mohumed, 26, a community organizer, had attended nearly every day of testimony in the trial until he was booted from the courthouse following a verbal dispute with security. [Translation: Her started trouble, playing his race and Moslem cards, and court security refused to be intimidated by him.] He said that he had been shocked to read that the men, several of whom he called friends, had been convicted.

The verdict, he said, only furthers a perception of Muslim extremism.

“I think this guilty verdict really justifies whatever treatment we get now,” he said. “That’s what the verdict expressed to me: the full-out prejudice that they have toward Muslim-Americans.”

[“They”? Who “they”? You get treated better here than you would in any Moslem country, yet you project all this Moslem garbage onto us. Nobody forced you to come here, in spite of your practiced “refugee” lies, and no one is forcing you to stay. Go!]

The reaction was similar at the Karmel Mall, also in south Minneapolis, where several Somalis expressed concerns about a lingering distrust of law enforcement and the judicial system.

[This is Racial Socialist Propaganda 101. After the last roundof terrorist mass murder in Paris, CNN operatives spoke of Moslem residents in the terrorist neighborhood of St. Denis as harboring “distrust” of the police, when in actuality, they were protecting the terrorists. It was the police who had reason to “distrust” the residents. Whenever an MSM operative speaks of someone “mistrusting” the police, he is speaking of a terrorist and/or criminal.]

“It is a sad day for the Somali community,” said Jamaal “Happy” Khalif Farah, co-owner of Happy Khalif & Laabane Barbershop on the first floor of the mall. “We are not happy with the verdict. It wasn’t honest. Everything was done in a hurry.”

[Translation: We support the terrorists, because we are all terrorists.]

Khalif said his customers have different opinions, but added that the community will perceive the guilty verdicts as “a negative thing.”

“The boys were lured into something they didn’t know,” said Yusuf Hussein. “This was a setup and they fell into it. This case was staged this way to scare the community. We are feeling very sorry.”

[“Staged” by whom? The government? Then leave!]

Mahir Osman, a customer who stopped Friday for a haircut, said he had followed the case closely and believes “these boys were not guilty.”

[Translation: These boys are Moslems, and no Moslem can ever be found guilty of any crime against a godless infidel.]

Einashe Ali, a well-known Somali DJ, said, “These are young kids. They should get a second chance. They didn’t do a crime.”

[But of course, they committed crimes! He can’t even keep his lies straight. If they “deserve a second chance,” that means they are guilty, but deserve mercy. “They didn’t do a crime” means they were innocent. But they were guilty as hell of conspiring to commit mass murder!]

Liban Sheikh, owner of Liban Barbershop, also in the Karmel Mall, said that he had gone upstairs to eat at Ayan Farah’s restaurant when he saw Farah, the mother of defendant Mohamed Farah, crying. That’s when he learned of the verdict.

“They are good family. I have never seen them do anything bad. Their kids are known as good kids in the community,” Sheikh said.

[So much for the “community.”]

“I am worried about those kids’ future. [What future?] I am in a different mood. I am emotional. Life was supposed to be great for them. But now that will not happen. We have to fear everything now.

[If you’re not terrorists, you have nothing to fear. But you fear, because you are terrorists.]

“I am worried about a lot of Somali kids [who] will be trapped [by FBI informants] and make the same mistakes as these boys.

[They didn’t “make mistakes,” they committed heinous crimes, and sought to commit even worse crimes.]

“We are now all afraid of even the [Somali] community leaders. We think that they are surveilling us.” • 612-673-4064 • 612-673-4203

1 comment:

  1. So Muhammad Ali has passed.A great fighter and entertainer and a person who also contributed to the changeover of the United States from a great country to what it is today.He also portrayed the Muslim religion as peaceful even though his radical,racist,secretive associates such as Malcom X were anything but peaceful.They were and ARE anti-white.
    Ali wanted to discard his "slave" name,but he became a slave to the religion that used him-in fact,fighting well past his prime under the urging of Herbert Muhammad--his manager.Those years provided much of the punishment from the likes of Larry Holmes and Trevor Burbick that I believe led to his Parkinsons.
    So who really looked out for him?Islam or the white man (Angelo Dundee,in this case)that Malcom X and Farrakhan waged war against.
    The verbosity of Ali was entertaining,but has multiplied itself to become the new Negro personality --exemplified by Charles Barkley,Deion Sanders,Shaq and many other imitators.Poor imitators at that.Then there are the thugs and big mouthed black entertainers who have their "roots" from Ali--Kevin Hart,Jamie Foxx,Wayne Brady,Shari Shephard all infect our air waves with loud chatter and little else.With Martin Luther King,Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby,Ali also tried to conquer as many white women as physically possible.These men are not to be admired--they have changed the country to its detriment.The big talking black is all talk and little else,using their success only for personal pleasure.
    At least Ali was an athlete.In my youth,I admired his skills--even though I wondered why he was allowed to evade the draft.Ironic,that he was given an exemption because of Muslim antiwar beliefs--when they actually have kept the Mideast in constant war for decades--now progressing to worldwide terrorism.
    Ali's disease could have been helped in many ways--drugs,electronic impulses etc,but he refused because the religion was against such practices.
    Now we see Obama and all the black celebrities (with white liberals thrown in) place him in sainthood.Maybe for the blacks it's true.But to me he sped the transition of a country--once great--to the welfare mess and lazy,criminal class of Negro that pervades todays society.
    Quite a legacy.
    ---GR Anonymous
