Thursday, June 23, 2016

BREXIT Vote Update: “Leave” Presently Ahead of “Remain” by 3.6% (Table)


  1. From what I've been reading,some early areas that expected to be in the REMAIN camp is not panning out.For instance,one area that was considered a bellweather for REMAIN,was forecast to win by 6%--considered a minimum victory margin.This area voted LEAVE by 20%!!!
    The area where the MP(who was murdered)is from,supposedly voted 70-30 to LEAVE.
    From various sites I've been viewing.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Some of London's heavily REMAIN leaning areas come in 3-1 REMAIN a 51-49 lead. (10% in).BBC commentators saying London may be the difference.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Important update:Skynews predicts a 52-48 win for LEAVE,based on current returns and trends.The huge Muslim population in London is the only hope for REMAIN.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Dow futures down 500 up $40.
    Is it over? I wouldn't say that as there already has been 2 huge point swings tonight.It's 51.1 to 48.8 as of now.Repeating...London will possibly show the political power of a Muslim population voting in favor of immigrating more Muslims in.51.3 to 48.7 just updated.There's talk of bank runs and a shutdown of the British stockmarket.Another prediction update by Skynews is 52-48 LEAVE.
    ---GR Anonymous
