Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Terror War at Home: Black Slasher Confesses to Hate Crime Attack Against White Woman; He Shared Racist Ideology of Obama and de Blasio


War criminal Gregory Alfred

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher Mike Malfi for this article.

Man says he slashed woman because she’s white
By Tina Moore and Daniel Prendergast
March 22, 2016 | 11:05 a.m.
New York Post

A man who was arrested for randomly slashing a woman’s neck earlier this month in Brooklyn told police he attacked her because she is white, police sources said.

Gregory Alfred, 25, told police he set out to find white people to slice back on Mar. 10 because he blamed them and “the system” for preventing him from freely smoking weed, sources said.

The slasher chose to take out his anger on 53-year-old Janina Popko, and cut her across the neck as she was walking near the corner of Beverly and Rugby roads that morning in Ditmas Park.

Alfred discarded a large kitchen knife, black plastic bag and an American flag bandanna after the attack. Cops were able to lift fingerprints from the items, the sources said.

The assailant was taken into custody in Sayreville, NJ over the weekend for an unrelated crime before the NYPD eventually tracked him down and questioned him about the Brooklyn attack.

Alfred is expected to be brought to New York where he will be charged for the Brooklyn slashing.


  1. He's been told that white people have caused all of his problems. Paid for by your tax dollar. Do a search for white privilege conferences. These are the people who should be charged along with the slasher. Is he going to be charged with a hate crime? I sure hope so. He looks insane to me. Like many of the deranged black men that I see on the subways. They usually have that strange look in their eyes, are filthy and unpredictable. I loose count in a day how many I see.

    This was a premeditated attack because he knew enough to mask his face. Guess he learned that from the same I hate Whitey school.

  2. The case of a missing white woman was solved today.Woodtv.com says black drug dealing convict Ronald Williams,35 is being charged with the 2014 murder of Bobbie Maples,32.Her body was discovered this January after a prisoner gave info regarding her burial spot.This,another example of what happens to a white woman who gets involved with drugs and blacks.I guess if the drugs don t kill you--the black guy will.
    Williams was in jail for cocaine dealing but was released back in 2014.She gave birth to a cocaine addicted baby and after release from the hospital,would visit the baby until her disapperance two weeks later.It s now reported Williams and Maples were a couple,but unknown if Williams was the baby's father.
    These women never learn.
    ---GR Anonymous

  3. Further archived video from WOODTv showed the baby was white.I was shocked to see it.--GR Anonymous
