Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Frontiers in Newspeak: NYPD Says Mass Murder Suspect Michael Sykes is Wanted “Regarding” “stabbing death of a woman & 2 children,” Rather than “Wanted for [or in] the Stabbing Murders of a Woman and 2 Children”


  1. Right..."person of interest"
    In other b.s.on Negro Nightly News...We start off with Lester Holt introducing another anti-Trump story...followed by fellow black Al Roker talking about winter storm crisis#40 and then fellow black Rehema Ellis on mosquitoes and the disease of the month.I haven t seen a white person yet.Don t they believe in token white hiring at The Negro Broadcast Company?Ron Mott,another black on deck with something I tuned out on.Any possible reason for all these blacks on one news show?

  2. I ain't done nothing to nobody ya'll!! Whatcha persecuting me for Willis?
