Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jeb Bush Finally Does Damage to Donald Trump!

By Nicholas Stix

Bush finally bowed out of the race tonight, after burning through some $150 million in campaign funds, hurting the Bush family brand, and having nothing to show for it.

The funny thing about Bush’s drawing out his hopeless candidacy is that if Trump ends up winning the GOP presidential nomination, Bush may have acted as unwitting kingmaker. Bush did not siphon away any votes from Trump, but he sure hurt Rubio and Cruz. Had Jeb! dropped out sooner, South Carolina would have been much closer, and had Carson also dropped out, Trump might have lost the state, in which case the whole ballgame would now be looking different.

As ballplayers like to say, it’s better to be lucky than good!

SC GOP Primary Numbers

Trump: 32.5%
Rubio: 22.5%
Cruz: 22.3%
Bush: 7.8%
Kasich 7.6%
Carson: 7.2%

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