Friday, January 01, 2016

Big Crime Increase in Los Angeles

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Big Crime Increase in Los Angeles
December 31, 2015
Lion of the Blogosphere

For the first time in more than a decade, all categories of crime rose across Los Angeles in 2015 as police struggled to get control of the problem, according to LAPD data.

Violent crime in L.A. climbed 19.9% and property crime increased 10.3% through Dec. 26 compared with the same period last year, according to the police data. It marked the second year in a row that violent crime rose, but the first time since 2003 that both violent and property crime rose.

The increases follow more than a decade of steep declines in crime, particularly in homicides. Police officials said the recent upswings should be viewed in that larger context. [Los Angeles Times ]

This is a nationwide trend, except for New York City which, despite De Blasio, allegedly didn’t have a crime increase. Maybe there is some statistical deception involved in that. Or maybe even De Blasio is unable to stop the massive gentrification trend as all of the smart educated people in the entire country continue to move to NYC, pushing the poor people out to places like New Jersey or maybe they are packing up and leaving the northeast entirely and moving to the South.

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