Monday, December 07, 2015

CBS’ Frank Sinatra 100th Birthday Special: A Review

By An Anonymous Reader

All the people CBS trotted out on the 100th Sinatra birthday special—from Adam Levine to Lady Gaga to John Legend, showed only one thing: How little talent there is out there right now, compared to Frank Sinatra. When 90-year-old Tony Bennett outsings them all... it says a lot about how little actual talent exists today. It wasn’t entertaining watching that show—it was irritating, almost like watching karaoke night somewhere in Anytown, USA, on a Saturday night. U2 I thought was passable, but the tribute to Frank was actually in showing how much he towered over the “entertainers” we have today. They couldn’t set up his microphone stand for him.

N.S.: Adam who?

1 comment:

  1. A most disappointing tribute to the world's greatest song stylist. With rare exception (Bennett, Connie Jr., and Macfarlane) it was pretty much a disaster. Garth Brooks attempt to sing "Lady is a tramp was, as the old saying goes, not a show stopper, but it did slow it down a lot. Having any country singer attempting to sing a Sinatra song is a mistake. Then there was Nick Jonas. The kid was obviously way in over his head trying his hand at a Sinatra song and would have been better served sitting in the audience and enjoying the show (the parts that were enjoyable, at least). I should mention Lady Gaga, who definitely can sing and was not bad doing the show finale "New York, New York." However, she was pushing too hard and we could have done without the staircase and dancers. As I said, she can sing and it would have been nice just to hear her stand in front of a mic (ala Sinatra) and belt the song out. Still, her performance was head and shoulders above all but a few. Bottom line....Frank deserved better than this.
