Friday, October 30, 2015

The Mets Beat the Royals 9-3 at Corporate Field, to Reduce Kansas City’s World Series Lead to 2-1, with Game Four Tomorrow

By Nicholas Stix

Rookie phenom Noah "Thor" Syndegaard got the victory, and Giordano Ventura got the loss. Mets captain David Wright knocked in four runs on a home run and a single, and Curtis Granderson hit a two-run home run.

Wright partially redeemed himself for the 14-inning error that cost his team game one.

Had the Mets lost tonight, it would have all been over, but the shouting.


  1. The Mets hadn't been hitting much in the Series and they broke loose. Hopefully they'll keep going and win the next two games at home.

  2. KCs pitching does not match up with NY---IF they pitch up to potential.

  3. David,

    I'm not holding my breath. Cespedes was great for the first six weeks, stqerting 8/1, but then went cold. He got a couple of singles yesterday, I believe, so let's hope it helps him break through. After all, he wants to be the prize free agent this winter.

  4. Anon,

    The problem is the Mets pitchers have thrown too many strikes, and have been wild in the strike zone. Look at DeGrom. So many times he had KC hitters down 0-2 or 1-2. Did he ever bounce a breaking ball? Nope, not that I saw. That's how you end up getting only one swinging K. If he'd bounced a few two strike pitches, the whole game would gave been different.

    When deGrom gets beat up, he always blames "location." But location doesn't necessarily mean throwing balls out of the strike zone.
