Thursday, October 01, 2015

More OJTV Tonight! Twenty Years After the Butcher of Brentwood Slaughtered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, More Details on O.J. Simpson’s Double Murder are Coming to Light for the First Time!


Above two and below: Murder victim Nicole Brown Simpson, after her ex-husband was done with her. “When you go black, you don’t go back.”


Murder victim Ron Goldman, after his introduction to the Butcher of Brentwood

By David in TN

Tonight, Thursday, October 1, A&E premieres "O.J.: The Hidden Tapes." It will run the rest of the week. The ABC 20/20 episode was a preview of sorts. It will supposedly concentrate on the wrongful death civil trial.

Last night LMN ran "O.J.: The Secret Tapes," largely about the Kardashian connection, "domestic violence," and everybody's ignorance thereof.

The A&E program looks to be worthwhile viewing.

Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“‘It’s Over’ Between Anthony Weiner and O.J.”;

“O.J. Simpson Prosecutor Chris Darden: Lead Defense Atty Johnnie Cochrane Tampered with Glove, Prior to Dramatic Courtroom Demonstration”;

“Brentwood Butcher O.J. Simpson: I Have Cancer, So Obama Should Grant Me Yet Another Get-Out-of Jail-Free Card”;

“O.J. Simpson Prosecutor Chris Darden: Lead Defense Atty Johnnie Cochrane Tampered with Glove, Prior to Dramatic Courtroom Demonstration”;

“Did Robert Kardashian Hide O.J. Simpson’s Murder Weapon?”;

“O.J. Simpson Week”; and

“Tonight, ABC’s 20/20 is Taking a Look Back at the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial; See the Only Time Simpson Had to Answer Questions by a Skilled Attorney About the Murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman; See Interviews with the Victims’ Relatives and Their Attorney; and Read About Blacks’ Destruction of the American Jury System.”


"O.J. Simpson greets reporters ahead of a court date. (Fred Prouser, REUTERS/April 6, 2005)"

Nicole Brown Simpson, after a non-murder session with her husband


  1. The Browns and Goldmans should have sued the nig jury for damages as well.Intentional sabotage of the law should be a criminal offense--if proven.Crooked juries should pay a price for wrongfully allowing an obviously guilty criminal to walk free (for reasons of reverse racism--as in this case).Bribery would be a crime....why not reverse racism?

    1. I agree with you on that. They let the killer go free. Look at what's happend to the dream team since the got him off. Johnny is dead (haha) so is Robert (haha) F. Lee is disbarred karmas a bitch. OJ will get his

    2. No such thing as reverse racism you idiot. Racism by definition means you discriminate against someone based on their race or belief. The definition doesn't specify what race so adding "reverse" to the front is dumb. Unless you belief racism is specific to only white people which is typical and evident by your use of the term "nig" in your comment. Try being educated instead of just opinionated. PS: if you want the family to sue someone it should be the idiot cop who lied on the stand or the prosecutors who were dumb enough to let OJ try on those gloves. Consider yourself at least slightly more educated then you were 10 minutes ago. ;)
