Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Raymon Carter, Who was Caught on Video Burning Down Baltimore’s Brand-Spanking New CVS, Causing Millions of Dollars in Damage During the Black April Freddie Grifter Riots, Has Pleaded Guilty to His Crime in Federal Court, but an Anonymous Supporter of His at WBAL Floats a Racial Fairy Tale



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Expanded on September 16, 2015, 11:23 p.m.

Thanks to Prince George’s County Ex-Pat for this article.

CVS Arsonist Pleads Guilty
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
WBAL NewsRadio 1090 and WBAL-TV
[Absolutely no comments permitted by WBAL!]

Raymon Carter, the man ATF officials say was seen on video setting the fire that destroyed the CVS on Pennsylvania and North Avenues during the April riots in Baltimore, has pleaded guilty in federal court.

[What kind of dishonest language is this? The alleged reporter is insinuating that Carter is really innocent, but is being railroaded by a racist criminal justice system, all the while maintaining plausible deniability, so he can say of my criticism, “He’s crazy; I said no such thing.”

When Carter was indicted for his crime, it was perfectly acceptable to write the way the anonymous author did, in case he beat the rap. But that ship has sailed. To maintain such language is grossly dishonest. An honest lede follows.

Raymon Carter, the man who was seen on video setting the fire that destroyed the CVS on Pennsylvania and North Avenues during the April riots in Baltimore, has pleaded guilty in federal court.]

Carter, who is 24-years-old [sic], pleaded guilty to one count of arson, in an appearance before U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Hollander.

He could face up to 20 years in prison, when he is sentenced on November 17.

“The most important aspects of this case are that Raymon Carter will be punished for participating in the riot and that ordinary citizens concerned about their neighborhood helped to catch him,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein.

“Federal law prohibits people from traveling across a state line or using a telephone to participate in a civil disturbance that involves acts of violence, and this case sends a message that we intend to use it. Anyone who considers participating in a riot should know that police, prosecutors and citizens will track them down and send them to prison.”

[Yeah, right.]

The fire was set as the store was being looted.

[What’s with this Clintonesque passive language? Correction: Carter set the fire as the store was being looted.]

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