Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hate Crime Conspiracy in San Antonio: Black Coach Admits He Ordered Hispanic Players to Put Hit on White Referee, but is Still Playing the Race Card, to Rationalize Away His Crimes, and Project Them onto His Victim!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

We already knew that assistant coach Mack Breed was a racist monster. His victim could have ended up a paraplegic, quadriplegic, or dead. Breed is guilty of so many crimes, it isn’t even funny: Two counts of a hate crime; conspiracy to violate his victim’s civil rights; two counts of assault with a deadly weapon; two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. If he tells his racial fairy tale to a peace officer or prosecutor, you can add making a false statement.

By the way, Breed came up with the racial fairy tale after the fact. The players he ordered to do the hit said it was as retaliation for the ref making “bad” calls against their team.

There are some excellent comments on the thread at KPRC.

ESPN: San Antonio area high school coach admits he ordered hits on referee
September 23, 2015, 7:16:38 A.M. CDT Updated 2 h


KSAT -- A John Jay High School assistant coach told his school principal that he ordered his players to hit a referee in retaliation for racist language during a Sept. 4 game versus Marble Falls, according to ESPN.

According to evidence obtained by ESPN's "Outside the Lines" John Jay High School assistant coach Mack Breed admitted to school principal Robert Harris in a letter that he "directed the students to make the referee pay for his racial comments and calls."

Sophomore Victor Rojas, 15, and senior Michael Moreno, 17, Wednesday will both attend Northside Independent School District disciplinary hearings to determine their standing with the school.

Both Rojas and Moreno in the fourth quarter versus Marble Falls deliberately tackled official Robert Watts, an event captured on video.

Rojas and Moreno both have since been assigned to an alternative school.

The University Interscholastic League will have its own meeting Thursday in Round Rock, Texas where it will address the issue as well.

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