Friday, August 14, 2015

TV Alert! Investigation Discovery is Airing Its Episode About the Nation of Islam’s 1975 Murder-Rape of Marcia Trimble at 7 A.M. ET Today (Friday)!


War crime victim Marcia Trimble 1966-1975

War crime victim Sarah Desprez—Nation of Islam war criminal Jerome Barrett raped and murdered her, as well

By David in TN

The Investigative Discovery Channel (ID Channel) is repeating this show at 7 am ET on Friday morning. You can set your DVR for it. I think this is the first showing after the premiere.

I found another news item on the case from earlier this year. How Barrett actually pulled off the abduction and murder is still not precisely known. It may be that Marcia Trimble was taken to a house in North Nashville, killed there, and brought back to the garage in her neighborhood.

From the testimony of the last witness to see Marcia, there were two people with her. I wonder if Barrett had a black child with him, possibly a classmate of Marcia's. There was a busing program underway in Nashville at the time and she had several blacks in her class.

Get a copy of Season of Darkness and look at the photo section after page 204. The sixth photo page has a photo of Marcia's class at school. It offers possibilities, but the book didn't "go there."

N.S.: The NOI Nashville-area rape-murders of Marcia Trimble, Sarah Desprez, et al. were committed when the murder cult was slaughtering whites all over the country. I have devoted a blog to the NOI’s crimes against whites:

The Zebra Project.

Marcia Trimble Murder on ID Channel: Black Muslim Serial Rapist-Killer Jerome Barrett was Motivated by Racial Hatred


War criminal Jerome Barrett

By David in TN
July 30, 2013

On Saturday, August 3, at 3 pm ET, the ID Channel's On the Case with Paula Zahn has a show on the 1975 Marcia Trimble murder in Nashville TN. The killer, a Muslim named Jerome Barrett, was revealed by a DNA hit in 2008 and was convicted in 2009, a few months before the first Knoxville Horror trial.

Barrett was convicted of still another murder before the Marcia Trimble trial. This victim was Sarah Des Prez, a white Vanderbilt coed, who was killed a few weeks before Marcia Trimble.

Even Barrett's Muslim friends warned him against his interest in "the Debbies," according to a good book on the case A Season of Darkness, by Douglas Jones and Phyllis Gobbell. Ignore the (few) negative Amazon reviews by people who don't want people to read about the case. The book is must reading for true crime fans.

Marcia Trimble was a Girl Scout delivering cookies on the evening she was raped and murdered by Barrett, who had committed a string of rapes and murders in the area early in 1975.

Barrett (and his type) knew that white coeds (there are a lot of them in Nashville) are naive and don't take precautions.

In 2009, crimeblogger Nivius Vir wrote,
The ages of his white victims were irrelevant to him. Barret has raped and murdered God only knows how many during his life. The chronology of his known crimes is terrifying to people belonging to the civilized world. Sergeant Ralph Langston estimates that only one-third of victims’ belongings discovered in Barrett’s apartment could be linked to the owners. His rap sheet is very lengthy according to the information provided by authorities. Also on his list of prey was the daughter of a Vanderbilt medicine professor Dr. Roger Des Prez, Sarah Des Prez. She was a student at Vanderbilt. Another victim was a Belmont student.


  1. Correct. We only know the tip of the proverbial iceberg and what we see is large enough to scare us. This is not a one time thing without other instances we just cannot properly link to the perpetrator.

    The low-intensity dirty war as waged by the negro against the American white. And characterized by the rape of white women and the attacks on elderly white.

    Nation of Islam in the forefront. Bringing home a souvenir of the crime as proof also a disreputable but nonetheless common practice.

  2. Attacking and murdering women and children also the characteristic signature of the Nation of Islam killer elite. Proven killers who have no inhibitions against murdering those least able to defend themselves. Also a trademark of the latent coward. A demonstration of cold-bloodedness and a depraved mentality that is frightening nonetheless.
