Friday, August 07, 2015

Trump: The Art of the Deal, 2016; Free Analysis of Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign!



By Nicholas Stix

Here’s what Donald Trump initially offered (call it a political IPO) the voters who now say they are going to vote for him: You accept my megalomania, and in return, I make the 50 million (no, not 8 million-11 million) illegal aliens go away.

Here’s the current Trump offer: You accept my megalomania, and in return, I give you nothing. I will amnesty the 50 million illegal aliens.

Kind of like the Iran nukes “deal.”

On July 25, Trump folded on amnesty like a cheap suitcase, but he doesn’t talk about it anymore. Meanwhile, voters who signed on to his earlier deal, when he was loud, vulgar, obnoxious, narcissistic and opposed to amnesty, haven’t kept up, and mistakenly assume that his current posture of being loud, vulgar, obnoxious and narcissistic means that he’s still opposed to amnesty. Being loud, vulgar, obnoxious and narcissistic are constants with Trump; “principles” are all expedient.

Trump: The Art of the Con.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Donald Trump, do you recall the New York Post headline in which Marla Maples supposedly said sex with Trump was "the best sex I ever had?" In those days, Trump was in the tabloid headlines 2-3 times a week.

    And he loved it.

    Another thing, Trump went out of his way to condemn the Central Park Rapists at the time and in 2014 criticized the settlement.
