Sunday, August 02, 2015

Remembering a “Cuckservative” from Over 40 Years Ago: Nixon Attorney General William Saxbe

By David in TN

Attorney General William Saxbe was an example of a "Cuck," over 40 years ago. Saxbe had been elected to the U.S. Senate from Ohio in 1968. While there, he was a McCain-type, always attacking his own party to gain plaudits from the media.

When Nixon fired Eliot Richardson as Attorney General in October 1973, he needed someone the Senate would confirm, thus Saxbe became Attorney General in January 1974.

After the Hibernia bank robbery in San Francisco in April 1974 by the SLA with Patty Hearst seeming to participate, Saxbe made a big show of calling the kidnapped heiress "a common criminal."

This, of course, was totally unethical, but Saxbe liked to shoot from the hip for headlines, especially those he knew the MSM was eager for.

When San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto briefed Saxbe on the Zebra murders and asked for federal assistance, Saxbe would only "consider it."

Saxbe made a big show of condemning Patty Hearst, whose willing participation at that point was very questionable. About the Zebra murders, he was silent.

For newspaper accounts of Alioto's meeting with Saxbe, Google "William Saxbe, Zebra murders."

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