Sunday, August 09, 2015

Obama Believes in Letting 1,000 Fergusons Bloom—at White Taxpayers’ Expense!

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

“Again, race riots and businesses in flames aren’t failures of state policy. They are the results of state policy. (The same could be said about mass immigration.)…
A list of grants awarded by the Justice Department in 2013 indicate federal funding has been and will continue to be directed toward activist groups described by critics as “racial agitators.”

1 comment:

  1. The riots will increase in cities run by black mayors...why? The people that make money, have good jobs and pay taxes to run a city(white people)will have fled from such cities...leaving the blacks to fester in their laziness and stupidity.Whites, as a majority group, would not vote for a black mayor ...therefore the death of any city is to have a black mayor.It is the feather on the cap of equality for blacks but without white money, a meaningless victory and a strategic loss at the same time.The fuse is set in all cities run by blacks-a fuse that will detonate with the realization they were better off with whitey...and whiteys not coming back.
