Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hear Jack Jones Sing His Signature Song, Bacharach and David’s “Wives and Lovers,” Accompanied by a Dazzling, Mad Men-Inspired Photoessay and Complete Lyrics!


Jon Hamm as Mad Men protagonist, Don Draper

By Nicholas Stix
Expanded at 2:06 p.m., Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I only watched one episode, a few years ago, of the hit AMC series, Mad Men, about advertising men and the women (“Mad,” as in Madison Avenue, home of most of the biggest advertising firms), and set during the early 1960s. However, I have recently read fans of the show say that this song was featured on the show, as an expression of the Don Draper character. Mariabrat’s exquisite photoessay accompanying the video below plays out this theme.

Meanwhile, this is what Jack Jones looked like at 25, on the cover of his 1963 Wives and Lovers album, and for most of the 1960s.

As for the song, it’s exquisite, with both swinging and lyrical elements. I can’t recall offhand hearing such a mix elsewhere. I’m amazed that Bacharach and David didn’t offer it to Sinatra first, though Jones must have had a leg up, due to having made his first hit with their song “Lollipops and Roses” two years earlier.

(Feminists hate this song, and have sought to “disappear” it, but what don’t they hate? They hate beauty, charm, class, virtue, normalcy, romance, comedy…)

Beginning in 1964, the song-writing duo devoted itself to writing hits for girl singers, and in 1965, Dionne Warwick had her first hit singing their song, “Walk on by.” From then on, she was their muse, until their acrimonious break-up in 1973, over the musical movie bomb, Lost Horizon.

Neither music man was ever the same after that.

Imagine what Jones’ career would have been like, had Bacharach and David composed more songs for him.



Although the Draper character was older, I am convinced that the young Jack Jones, in his elegance, good looks, and self-confidence, was the inspiration for the Draper look.


Uploaded on Jun 10, 2011 by mariabrat.

Wives and Lovers- Jack Jones. This song was out in the fall of 1963. It was a perfect song for the 1950's - early 1960's era. This song also fits the character of Don Draper from the TV show, "Mad Men". Along with the pictures of Don Draper (Jon Hamm) and the cast of Mad Men, are also other ads, famous people and other pictures from the 1950's and early 1960's.

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