Saturday, April 04, 2015

Race Realism Does Not Necessarily Entail Ethnonationalism

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

By Countenance Blog
Question Diversity at American Renaissance
April 3, 2015

I am not at all surprised by Charles Murray officially embracing "diversity." That's because he is not and never was an ethnonationalist. He was and I guess continues to be a race realist. There is nothing inherent in race realism that necessarily begets ethnonationalism. IOW, it's very easy to be a RR but not an EN. It's also easy to be an EN without being an RR. It's also easy to be neither, or to be both.

We may have really screwed our own pooch by promoting race realism without ethnonationalism, thinking that a high IQ elite will automatically be or eventually become ethnonationalist. In reality, the American high IQ cognitively stratified elite is anything but ethnonationalist, in fact, it's only interested in self-preservation and to hell with everyone not inside of it. If our incumbent "race realist" high IQ elite ever seems to toy with racialism, it's only in a "for thee but not for me" elitist hypocritical way to keep the diversity away from them, and to pawn it off on someone else.

1 comment:

  1. "If our incumbent "race realist" high IQ elite ever seems to toy with racialism, it's only in a "for thee but not for me" elitist hypocritical way to keep the diversity away from them, and to pawn it off on someone else."

    'For thee and not for me' is how it has always worked. It will continue to be that way until necks are stretched from one end of this country to the other. Until then Brazil is our future whether the elite adopt race realism or not.
