Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Poetic Justice: Quote on U.S. Stamp Issued in Honor of Literary Fraud Marguerite Ann Johnson, Alias Maya Angelou is Fake—She’d Plagiarized It from a White Woman, Joan Walsh Anglund! Media Cover-Up Seeks to Hide Angelou’s Plagiary




By Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher A Texas Reader, who wrote,

How appropriate.

Note that Joan Walsh Anglund is not only a legitimate writer, she’s beautiful, while literary fraud Maya Angelou was ugly (though she did have great gams in her day). I wouldn’t normally emphasize this, but the AA literary fraud was ugly, inside and out. To complete the symmetry, the hostess of the event is another AA fraud, Michelle Obama, who is a genocidal black supremacist and borderline illiterate.

But it won’t matter to black supremacists. In 1997, when they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the premiere of the miniseries Roots, the shameless, assembled blacks celebrated as if Alex Haley’s alleged work were a legitimate, non-fiction story, even though it had long been exposed as the most notorious literary hoax in modern American history. Note that Haley had plagiarized white novelist Harold Courlander, who had sued Haley. During the court case, Haley was caught perjuring himself, and in 1978 had to pay his victim $650,000 ($2,340,019.94, adjusted for inflation).

The CNN/KSAT article by Lisa Respers seeks to fudge matters, to hide Angelou’s plagiary.

“The pronouns and punctuation were changed, with 'he' in the original verse changed to 'it' on the stamp.”

Let me fix that. When Angelou plagiarized Anglund, she changed the pronouns and punctuation, changing 'he' in the original verse to 'it.'"

Using the passive voice, this travesty of an article seeks to cover up Angelou's plagiary, by deceiving the reader into thinking the U.S. Postal Service committed the plagiary. It did not.


The Washington Post article, by Lonnae O'Neal, is more forthright.

In this 2013 interview, Johnson/Angelou uses the phrase as if it were her own. To my knowledge, she never gave Anglund credit for it.

Previously, on Johnson/Angelou, at WEJB/NSU:

“Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)”; and

“Pompous, Narcissistic, Racist Literary and Political Fraud Maya Angelou Dead at 86.”


  1. Maya Angelou was no angel.In fact she was one ugly racist lesbian. Notice how Oprah promoted other lesbians.

  2. I had heard about Haley's plagiarism but hadn't really thought about it, when I saw this article I looked up the Amazon review page for "Roots". Most reviews praised the book to high heavens but there were a few dissenters. One reviewer mentioned Haley's plagiarism and a reviewer named "Nicole" responded with: "I don't believe that".

    I followed this "Nicole's" link and she turned out to be a black woman (big surprise).

    Reading that I immediately flashed on the many debates I get in with Afroracists that boil down to this:

    Me, to Afroracist: "Don't you realize 1 + 1 = 2?

    Afroracist in response: "Nah, man dat aint true...You a lyin' raiiisssist"

    Hey, Nicole, why don't you actually pick up the book "The Africans" and verify it for yourself before saying something ignorant and stupid?
    My experience is they would much rather stay ignorant and stupid. Jerry PDX

  3. Maya wrote FIVE autobiographies. Someone totally preoccupied with ego.

  4. Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 10:21:00 PM

    It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand.
