Monday, April 06, 2015

Happy Easter! Bang! Bang! Bang!

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat

“PGC Ex-Pat, is nothing sacred? How dare you mock the dead, even though it’s Easter. Are you a bigot/homophobe/xenophobe/hater? Why the same old, same old?”

Because the same old, same old, has gotten old.

And I didn't pull the trigger.

Christ rose from the dead.

These guys... not so much.

At the Chicago Tribune.

1 comment:

  1. How many white guilt racist cliches can you stuff into one article?
    There never seems to be enough.

    This is a local incident about a schoolyard fight between to black girls that a vice principal tried to stop that has been reported regionally but I'm sending a link to "The Skanner" a local city "news"paper that features news of interest to the "African American Community" (in other words how they're being endlessly persecuted by whites).

    quote from the article:

    "After McFarland’s daughter popped the other girl in the face the fight stopped, the mother says – until the vice principal came running from his office and bumped into the daughter, sending her into the other girl and starting the fight up again."

    OK, it's the vice principals fault the fight started again because he "bumped" into one of the girls. Call me delusional but it seems to me getting "bumped" by someone else doesn't mean you continue to assault someone else. Assuming he really "bumped" her that is.

    Quote from article:

    "With the vice principal bending her backward as he held her by the neck with both arms and the other girl pulling her hair, McFarland’s daughter says she felt like she was being “jumped.”"

    Suddenly a girl involved in a violent altercation, and looking at the size of her I suspect she was the one doing most of the damage and could be responsible for a violent assault herself, is being "jumped", which interpreted in liberalese is "being assaulted by authority figure for no reason whatsoever".

    Quote from article:

    "But even when the other girl stopped the vice principal did not; that’s when the second girl came closer and tried to calm the situation. McFarland says, “The young girl in the picture was asking, ‘why are you choking her?’”"

    This is my personal favorite because blacks do this one all the time. Another black walks up calmly and tries to sound "reasonable" which makes the white look like they are being unreasonable and violent, never mind the black that is actually violently assaulting someone.

    Quote from the article (ancient stories of "so called" race incidents are evoked):

    "The 1985 Portland Police chokehold death of off duty security guard Lloyd D. Stevenson –- who had been helping a store owner subdue a suspected thief –- made headlines even in the New York Times.
    "While Stevenson, an African American, was a good Samaritan on the scene, police said he had “struck” one of their officers; he never regained consciousness after the chokehold maneuver."

    The article also mentioned the "history" of chokehold deaths in Portland. Doesn't mention it's only happened twice in 30 years. Plus the ones being choked were the instigators of the incidents that got them choked.

    I can easily pick out plenty more race hyperbole but this comment would be pages long. The vice principal appears to be of latino origin which has probably muted the hysteria somewhat but it hasn't stopped it completely.
    I'd like to say this article is an anomaly but there have been other mentions in local news reporting and they all follow the same script, this article had a little more detail than most though so it's more illustrative.
    Jerry PDX
