Saturday, April 04, 2015

Federal Prosecutors in Texas: Recent Conviction of 7 on Charges that Included Kidnapping Puts an End to Legal Charges that Stemmed from the Worst Conditions They've Ever Seen Kidnapping Victims Endure

By A Texas Reader

How can these conditions be any worse than the conditions the victims lived in prior to coming to the U.S.?

How many Mexicans have indoor flush toilets?

How many Mexicans have air conditioning in their homes?

Have many Mexicans have access to potable water?

So, what's the problem?


1 comment:

  1. Unti9l the advent of large numbers of Mexicans into the United States, kidnapping as a crime [in the states] was extremely rare.

    That transfer of money for the hostage means in almost all cases the perpetrator will get caught.

    Since the Mexican illegal will not cooperate with the gringo police, the Mexican criminal makes kidnapping a growth business in the U.S. Viva La Raza.
