Saturday, April 04, 2015

Duke’s Newest Race Hoax; University’s Administration, Led by President Richard Brodhead Conspires to Cover Up the Truth, and Support Blood Libel



[Previously, by this writer:

“Nicholas Stix` Absolutely Definitive Account of the Incredible Disappearing Duke Rape Hoax.”]

By Nicholas Stix

Spring semester is college hoax season, especially among black supremacist affirmative action “students.” And so, Duke has been blessed by one of its black AA (AA/AA) students with a noose hoax.

How do I know that the perp was black? After all, Duke has refused to identify the perp’s race, sex, name, or even his shoes.

Actually, Duke did inadvertently identify the perp’s race.

At a news conference Thursday afternoon, school spokesman Michael Schoenfeld said the school would not release the name of the student who admitted to hanging the noose, found early Wednesday in a plaza area at the heart of the campus….

Schoenfeld said the school believes federal education laws protecting information about students and their grades prevent the school from describing his or her gender, race or whether the student had been in trouble in the past.

Schoenfeld is lying like a Persian rug. He and his bosses know damned well that federal law does not bar the school from identifying the hoaxer’s name, sex, or race. As for whether he “had been in trouble in the past,” that’s such a deliberately vague phrase that I can’t say if it’s true. If it means that the school can’t say if the student had previously been arrested, Schoenfeld is lying. If it means the school can’t say if he’d been in trouble for academic misconduct, that may be true.

As for the school revealing the hoaxer’s race, Schoenfeld did that, in spite of himself. As a Chicago Tribune reader wrote in response to racist columnist Steve Chapman in a similar context in 2011,
scrappy koala at 12:03 AM June 11, 2011

I've said it before and I'll say it again that you are right. Race doesn not matter and you dont need to tell us what race it is because we already know. Especially when you dont tell us. If this was White on Black crime there is no doubts on anyones mind that all of a sudden race would matter and you would report it but if its black criminals you wont say race which actually tells us the race. When ever a news site wont say the race I instantly know which race. This works pretty much 100% of the time without fail.


UPDATE: Duke: Student has admitted to hanging noose in tree
Posted: Apr 02, 2015 11:01 AM EST Updated: Apr 02, 2015 4:52 P.M. EST

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - An undergraduate student at Duke University has admitted to hanging a noose in a tree and is no longer on campus, university officials said Thursday.

At a news conference Thursday afternoon, school spokesman Michael Schoenfeld said the school would not release the name of the student who admitted to hanging the noose, found early Wednesday in a plaza area at the heart of the campus.

The student was identified with information provided by other students and will be subject to Duke's student conduct process and that an investigation is continuing to find out if others were involved, Schoenfeld said.

Schoenfeld said the school believes federal education laws protecting information about students and their grades prevent the school from describing his or her gender, race or whether the student had been in trouble in the past.

The school also is working with state and federal officials about potential criminal violations.

Officials say the noose was found about 2 a.m. Wednesday in the plaza outside the Bryan Center, the student commons building. Black Student Alliance vice president Henry Washington said he and about 14 other students saw the noose hanging overnight after being alerted via Twitter. On Thursday, he praised the reaction of fellow students and administrators at the school.

"I appreciate that immediate action was taken both by the student community to identify a person and by the faculty to ensure that disciplinary action is taken," he said.

Duke Student Affairs Vice President Larry Moneta said the student would face judgment under the school's code of conduct, which includes penalties ranging from probation to expulsion. He said it was "too soon to make any comment" about whether the student had expressed remorse for the noose episode.

"This is all part of what the investigation will yield and the opportunity for the student to speak to the basis for the behavior," Moneta said.

At a gathering Wednesday in front of the university's Gothic chapel building, Duke President Richard Brodhead told a crowd of several thousand that their presence was a rejection of what the noose symbolizes in a region where lynchings were once used to terrorize black residents. And he said that while administrators and campus police investigate who displayed the noose and why, it is up to each individual to reject racism.

"One person put up that noose, but this is the multitude of people who got together to say that's not the Duke we want," he told the crowd. "That's not the Duke we're here for, and that's not the Duke we're here to create."

1 comment:

  1. When the negress falsely accused the lacrosse team of rape there was no hesitation to identify the players of the team. Almost all if not all were whitey and the school had no problem in saying who they were and everything about them.

    IN this case of course we know it is a colored student that hung the noose. They are famous for the hoax to incite hatred. THEY!!.
