Tuesday, April 07, 2015

A Word from VDARE Editor-Publisher-Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Peter Brimelow




Spring Appeal

VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow:

VDARE.com is working very hard to help build an independent patriotic movement that can stand against the Main Stream Media and the Treason Lobby. And we can’t do that without your help.

This is our Spring Fundraiser, and the fact is that, as usual, we’re almost out of money. Money is our secret weapon—it allows us to pay our writers and staff, provide new content, and keep VDARE.com from suffering the fate of many excellent patriot websites that simply burn out. But we live hand to mouth. And we need your help. Please donate now!

P.S. from Nicholas Stix: Next month will mark my 11th anniversary of writing for Peter Brimelow, who has commissioned, published, and paid for many of my most important exposés. Please generously support Peter, so that he can continue to generously support me and my little platoon! And tell him Nicholas Stix sent you!

Thank you.


Nicholas Stix

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