Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live in the White House, at Taxpayers’ Expense?

By Nicholas Stix

At PJ Media.

By the way, some leftwing trolls are insisting that the Obamas pay for their own living expenses, and for Granny. That violates the first law of lying: plausibility. No First Family ever pays for its living expenses. We are paying for them, and for Granny, who is also getting a salary ($125,000) for a phony job. She’s probably cost taxpayers millions already. And she causes trouble, wherever she goes.


  1. Black person in heaven. Servants galore waiting on you hand and foot. You give the orders and they obey. Etc. We owns the big house now ya'll.

  2. If any President wanted to move in their dear sweet old granny I probably wouldn't begrudge them, that is if she was just living there, eating a little food and residing in some room that likely would just sit vacant anyways. I'm sure there's plenty of space like that in the White House. Historically, other presidents like Jackson, Grant, Roosevelt (who used the WH like a hotel), Truman all brought family members in to live. Truman set up a room for his mother in law but she hated it and moved out in a month.

    But a salary? for doing what exactly? 125,000 is over a quarter of what the President himself makes. From what I read
    Grama Obama's job is to be the granddaughters "caretaker". Considering their age and the fact there are plenty of people around anyways to "take care" of them I don't think she'll have much to do. She'll be one of the highest paid babysitters in the world if that's what she's getting paid for. Sign me up for the job, I'll quit my job and be a professional child care provider for 125,000 grand a year, no problem. The Obama's won't have to worry about charges of nepotism with me on the job. Where do I send my resume? Jerry PDX
